Part 30

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Part 30: -

Ella’s POV

I know Greg’s blaming himself for her attempt but it wasn’t really. Elianna relied on Greg for her happiness, when she was with him she forgot all the pain that was going through her mind. They both needed each other to survive. They both felt the pain. No one thought that she’d do this. No one thought that she was feeling like this. I don’t even know if she spoke about it with her psychiatrist. I just don’t know what was going through her mind.

    Sitting here in between both Micky and Greg, made me feel like it was Greg that had committed the act. It felt like he’d done the horrid deed and we were waiting on the news of his diagnosis. I knew Elianna wanted to help him but we all know Greg’s stubborn. We all know that he wants to be the man and disguise his true feelings in order for everyone else to be happy. I knew what he was doing, we all did but we just didn’t want him to suffer anymore.

    He always voiced his opinion about Elianna, but when it came to him and his problems, he always lashed out. No matter the person, no matter the situation. He just lost it. He always went on to say that he wasn’t feeling low or depressed but he was. He wasn’t eating, he wasn’t sleeping and he wasn’t communicating with people often. He’s on a bit of a road along with Dan. They’ve both faced bumps and are struggling to overcome them.

    Micky had his bump last year when I was severely sick with my cancer. I knew it was a difficult period for us all but Micky suffered the most out of all of them. Lottie was ok-ish but she had fears and she had worried but Micky took it the hardest. I knew that because of him running out and falling into a slumber in Dan’s arms. I just wish that he spoke about it instead of building it up and feeling those feelings. It’s something I wish they’d all do.

    Greg was like the baby of the group right now. He was just so upset but so inconsolable. He’s like a baby who would throw his toys out the pram, just to get what he wants. We all know he needs Elianna but when you have an overprotective best friend, it’s a little hard to get near her.

“Elianna Borthwick’s boyfriend?” A nurse shouted.

    Greg just looked at me and moved. I knew he was signalling for me to come with but I didn’t want to go. However, Micky shoved me forward to go with him. I knew at this moment we didn’t trust Greg, not with how he dealt with the news of him being shoved back to the psychiatrist but we needed him to get better, the fans were worried about him. They were always asking questions about his health, and there was nothing we could really tell them without giving too much away.

“So how is she?” I asked as we entered a room.

“And you are?” The nurse asked.

“I’m her roommate. Well, house mate and she’s one of my best friends,” I answered.

“Well, she’s done some damage to her wrists. She cut quite deep but luckily she didn’t puncture an artery or a vein. That being said, she also swallowed a large amount of anti-depressants. Fifty milligrams for each tablet, it’s a large quantity,” The nurse spoke.

“I-is she going to be alright?” Greg asked stuttering.

“We really don’t know at this moment in time. She’s hooked up to a heart monitor and she’s on suicide watch, even though she’s just committed it. That being said, we need to pump her stomach as soon as possible too, but we need to make sure she’s stable before we give her anything to numb the process,” The nurse answered. “I’ll give you a bit of time to process that information before I come back and get you.”

    The nurse left, leaving Greg and I sitting in complete silence. I knew he was silently blaming himself for the complication in hand. He was blaming himself for everything she done to herself. I wish he’d voice his worries instead of keeping them locked inside. It’s not healthy for his brain or his way of thinking. He’s just going to make himself worse before he really wants to get better. And even then, there’s no possibility of him even getting better. It saddens me to think that my best friend is going through all this and not even asking for help. I know my statement is a tad hypocritical because I did the same. I ignored my cancer because I was far too upset over Micky ending things with me. Stupid really.

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