Stripper Poles and Pretty Boys

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Josh could feel the floor and walls shake around him as some random song played throughout the air.The small, overpopulated building reeks of stale beer and sweat as he makes his way to the bar. Strobing lights illuminating the current dancer for mere seconds before extinguishing again. It was enough to make you dizzy as the bright lights were blinding just to go back into almost pitch black again.

He takes a seat on a stool as he signals for the bartender, "I'll have three shots of vodka."
He hands her a fifty while yelling at her to 'keep the change.' She nods her head and goes about pouring his drinks. He hates having to yell over the blasting music, but he needs a drink.

She doesn't even try to argue with him, as she sticks the money into her apron before sliding him his drinks. He downs them one after the other as he looks to the stage in curiosity.

Some blonde guy was coming to an end as the beat died down, and the lights quit scattering around the room. His skinny frame slides to a stop on the pole as he did the splits in his lacy purple get up. The crowd was cheering and applauding him as he walked off stage, collecting what money he earned as he went.

A different melody played and it was slower as the lights dimmed and a boy in dark blue panties came out wearing  purple thigh highs. His slender figure pranced to the pole like he owned it, and by the sound of the crowd he may very well have.

Josh couldn't find it in him to look away from the stage as the small, pixie like boy swirled his body around the pole carelessly. You could tell he was relaxed as his body easily glided around the metal pole.

Josh found his feet carrying him closer to the stage as he caught the eyes of almost everyone around him, except the dancing beauty on stage. They all parted and made a line for him to make his way to the stage.

Josh was wealthy from being a successful entrepreneur and not only owning his own business, but managing it all alone as well. He worked hard for his money, and money was never going to be a problem for him. That's why when he was standing directly in front of the stage, he carelessly threw a handful of hundred dollar bills like it was confetti.

The dancing boy slowly made eye contact with Josh as he smirked and slowly dropped to his knees and collected the money and stuffed it into his waistband. Josh was totally entranced by this small dancer, but he'd never let it show. His poker face was fairly good from working in the business field.

Josh watches as the boy slowly crawls on his hands and knees right in front of him, while maintaining eye contact. His demeanor never changing as he did so.

"Hey, that's quite a bit of money for you to be throwing around like it's nothing," the boy whispers seductively as he slowly sits back on his heels and runs his hands teasingly over his fit body. Josh couldn't help but to let his eyes quickly skim the boy's smooth, tan legs and torso. Just a glance, and then he tears his eyes back to the boys lips.

"Money isn't a problem for me," Josh chuckles shrugging as the boy crawls closer to him and allows him to slip a couple more hundreds into the waistband of his panties, "what's your name?"

Josh can't keep his eyes off of the boy's predatory dark eyes and smooth skin as he chuckles, "they call me Babyboy Joseph"

Josh smirks as he leans so close to the stage his black, iron pressed vest is against the cold, polished surface, "I can see why." And with that the small, skilled boy makes his way back to the pole and continued to spin himself gracefully around the pole.

Josh's eyes doesn't leave the boy's grinding figure for one second, and Tyler found himself letting his eyes wonder back to the man with electric blue curls illuminating under the neon lights ever so often.

Tyler hears his song coming to an end as he slowly climbs the pole and turns his body so that he's upside down. He slowly, and skillfully slides himself down, until he has to flip off of the pole and lands in a split just as the music ends.

The crowd goes crazy as men throw money onto the stage, yelling and practically begging for the smaller boy's attention. Josh throws a couple more hundreds as he watches Tyler smirk down at him.

The light becomes brighter as a male voice rumbles through the speakers, "Give it up for Babyboy Joseph."

Josh watches the boy with a perky ass practically prance off stage. Josh admired the way the skin jiggled as he walked, and he couldn't stop a groan from leaving his lips.

He practically ran after the small boy as he hurriedly approached him as he left the stage, "hey, how much for a dance?" Josh asked ready to pull out all the money in his pocket if necessary.

The smaller boy with doe like eyes and plump pink lips looked up at him with an almost humorous expression, "Sorry, I'm not doing private dances tonight, I only do Saturday's and Wednesday's." The boy smirks with a careless shrug.

Josh looks at the small boy with a cocky smirk to match his as he looks right into his soul, and he just knows this boy is trouble.

Josh isn't going to beg, but by the look in The boy's eyes he knows the boy wants the dance at least a little bit too.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you Saturday,Babyboy," and with that Josh winked and turned on his perfectly polished heel and left Tyler in surprise, his jaw slightly dropped and wide eyes.

Two could play at this game.


I don't know if this is good or not, but it's all I got. Jesus, stripper Tyler would be so hot. Damn homeboy thick. Also, I have no knowledge of strippers or their terms and choreography, I'm just winging it.

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