Can You Fix The Tear In My Heart?

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Tyler has never ran so fast in his life, not even during his high school basketball practices. His heart was threatening to rip through his chest as his lungs screamed in protest, but he keeps running.

He ran until he was entering his apartment and then sprinted up the stairs two at a time praying to whatever god there may be he doesn't fall.

He barges threw his already unlocked door as he frantically looks for the blue haired man. Once he doesn't see Josh right away he bends over to rest his hands on his shaky knees panting heavily. He feels slightly light headed as he fights the sting he feels every time he breathes.

"Tyler, are you okay?"

Tyler looks up to see a worried Josh staring at his trembling frame. He doesn't say a word as he throws himself into Josh's arms and kisses the man with what little breath he has.

Josh is shocked at first, but he eventually melts into the kiss and holds Tyler closer to him. It wasn't long until Tyler pulls back with a smile.

Josh's eyes widen to the size of the moon when Tyler lets his next words slip from his kiss swollen lips.

"I love you, Josh."

Josh's whole body freezes as he looks into Tyler's eyes only to see adoration in them. Tyler loves him.

"I love you back, Tyler," he says smiling so wide that Tyler pulls him into another kiss. It was all teeth and nose bumping from their wide smiles, but they could care less. They were in love.

"Josh, I have so many things to tell you about myself-,"

"You don't have to do anything you do want to," Josh interrupts the smaller boy with a peck to his lips.

Tyler smiles widely as he leans in for another kiss, "what did I ever do to deserve you?"

Josh goes to respond, but is cut short by Tyler tugging him to the couch and straddling his lap with a wide smile, "don't answer that."

Josh only smiles as he pulls Tyler closer for the millionth kiss today. Hearing those three words from Tyler meant he has broke down most of the boy's walls. He's earning Tyler's trust, and he feels overjoyed.

"I can't believe you've stayed with me after all I put you threw," Tyler says shyly while putting a hand up to stop Josh from responding

"I pushed you away so many times and you always came back. You are always there when I need you, and you let me be me. You never once tried to change me, you never overstepped my boundaries; you didn't even tests the waters. You did everything to keep me happy, and I've been selfish."

Tyler swallows the lump in his throat as Josh silently runs his hands along Tyler's arms soothingly to reassure the boy.

"When I was younger, 18 to be exact, I came out to my parents as gay. They didn't take it to well, especially being a religious family and all.  I was raised in church all my life. Every Sunday I dressed in my best clothing and acted like I've never sinned a day in my life. I was so tired of living a lie. I was tired of pretending to be something I was never going to be. My mom cried like I was dying and she was losing her only child, and my dad screamed at me to get out of his house. I never went back and soon got a job at JohnnyBoy's. I worked my ass off learning to work a pole and even lived with Brendon for a few years until I saved enough to rent this place. I was always used by guys for my body and they leave me the next morning. I finally come to the conclusion that I was better off by myself, but then you came along and ruined everything."

Josh goes wide eyed as Tyler sheds a few tears and sniffles, " You, the blue haired man, throwing money like confetti and your beautiful cocky grin. The way you kept coming back and finally asked me out on a date. The way you listened to everything I told you, like I was a the most fascinating thing you've ever met. The soft caresses and gentle kisses. The way you never yelled at me and told me it was okay to feel the way I did. You made me fall in love with your stupid ass, and I hate you for it. I fucking hate every fiber of your being, every atom that creates your very existence. I hate that I'm so madly in love with you because I'm sacred, but I can't stay away from you. I fucking love you, J."

Both boys are a crying mess as Tyler slowly leans down and connects their lips in a tear stained kiss. The kiss is soft and passionate as they express how much they love and need each other.

Tyler pulls alway as he pecks Josh's lips over and over. The boys giggle as they keep mumbling 'I love you's' to one another like it was a prayer that cleansed their soul of every sin and sorrow that consumed them.

"Josh, will you promise me one thing?" Tyler says with a pleading look as he stares straight into Josh's eyes. The eyes he's come to love like no others.

"Anything for you, Ty," Josh says with a serious look, and Tyler swears he's never done anything worthy enough in his life to be with a man so incredible. These past three months has been the best of his life, and it was all because of Josh.

"Please don't ever stray, because I'm fragile. I don't think I could handle loosing you. I didn't realize it until I sat and thought about my life today at the park, and when I thought about the possibility of losing you I knew I never wanted to let you go. I love you."

Josh swears he's never loved anyone this much as he watches Tyler turn his head to the floor.

"I'm not going anywhere babyboy, I'm here to stay. I love you back."

Tyler smiles widely as he pulls Josh closer for a bone crushing hug.

Josh can only thank the god above that he finally made Tyler realize he was worthy of love.

The blue haired man silently swears to never let Tyler go as he holds him closer and feels his warm breath on his neck.

They stay tangled up in each other's embrace as they whisper hushed I love you's over and over. Tyler was finally finding happiness, and he never wanted to let go.

Josh was his new home


Just a few more chapters left. This book is really short and I wish I would have paced myself a little better.

Oh well I'm working on little wander right now anyways and that should be a very long book full of wild emotions.



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