Lap Dances and Slow Paces

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Tyler slipped on his new black and blue lace outfit as he applied his favorite lotion to his freshly shaven legs. He couldn't help the smile that etched itself on his face as he remembered the blue haired boy throwing money like it was nothing. Well, to him it wasn't.

Tyler couldn't help but think the man's hair matched the blue silk adorning his lower body and torso. He couldn't deny that the man was attractive. He had the kind of eyes that make you want to fall to your knees, especially when he smiled and the crinkles around his eyes appeared.

Tyler knows he's good at what he does, he's the most sought after dancer at the club after all. He takes pride in his body and dancing skills, and he should. He works hard for his money, even though some thinks it's a walk in the park. He has to make new routines and learn them. Sometimes he's so sore from practicing all the time he can barely walk without a limp. Tyler worked hard to stay in shape, and get the attention he receives.

Tyler knows most people look down on him for being a stripper at a gay club, but Tyler isn't afraid to express his sexuality. He's proud of who he is, and as for the stripper part he doesn't get completely naked on stage. When he does private dances he only does one a night to the highest bidder, and he only gives them a simple dance. He doesn't have sexual relations with his clients, he just doesn't wish to do so.

Tyler straightened his posture as Pete stuck his head in his dressing room, "You're up after Brendon gets finished." Pete was a security guard for all the dancers, and he's saved Tyler's cute little ass from many of drunks.

Tyler smiles at the man, stretching his muscles before Pete turns back around with a smirk, "Oh, by the way some dude already booked you for tonight." Tyler smiles widely as he captures his plump, glossed lip between his teeth.

"How much?" Tyler is curious as to how much the client had paid for him, hopefully it was the man with pastel blue hair and puppy dog eyes. He found himself wishing he would have asked for the mans name, but it's too late.

Pete's tongue darts out to wet his lips before he speaks, "Well after we explained that you only gave one dance to the highest bidder, he pulled out a thousand like it was nothing. He said if anyone went any higher to let him know and he'd gladly pay more."

Tyler places his small hands on his hips with a smirk, "blue hair?" It wasn't a surprise when Pete nodded his head and left without another word. He was definitely going to give the boy a good show tonight, he just learned his new routine.

His chosen song for the night starts to play as he walks on stage and the room is fueled with desperate men's cheers and hollers. The floor is vibrating underneath him as the speakers blare with his chosen tune and he walks to the center of the stage, secretly looking for blue hair.

He doesn't show his disappointment as he skims the dimly lit room and doesn't see the man. The strobing lights illuminate his figure as he starts his dance, and he smirks as men already start throwing money.

He starts off by simply swiveling his hips with his hands at his sides. He twirls a bit before quickly dropping to his knees and slides across the floor, he ignores the stinging pain from the dry floor as he does so. The crowd watches his every move as he jumps back up and turns his butt to the crowd. He slowly pushes his ass out and shakes it as the crowd goes completely insane, and he turns around just in time to see Pete dragging a screaming, flailing man out of the back door.

He isn't even bothered anymore by the guys that could potentially hurt him if Pete wasn't around. He continued with his performance like nothing ever happened as he dropped to his knees again and smacked the ground.

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