Suga Suga

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Tyler pranced down the stairs in his new pink skirt Josh bought him yesterday and enters their huge kitchen.

He flips the light switch as he watches the room illuminate before his eyes, and giggles at the time Josh tried to cook for them. It was before Tyler moved in and he woke up wanting pancakes. He remembers batter being everywhere and the flour that stuck to Josh's forehead and nose.

That's one of Tyler's favorite memories, not to forget the first pancake sticking to the ceiling when Josh insisted he didn't need a spatula.

He was helplessly in love with the goof that was Josh Dun. He managed to weasel his way into the boy's heart and get past the guards that protected it.

He sighed and went about getting the things he needed. He was going to cook for Josh and him because he's tired of eating out; don't get him wrong he loves Taco Bell, but his stomach needs a break.

He turns on Pandora before locking his phone and walking to the stove where a pot of water sits and reaches for the noodles. After adding them and salt to the water he grabs another pan and places the chopped up chicken into it.

Tyler hasn't really cooked in along time, but he used to help him mom around the holidays when he was younger.

He dances around the kitchen as he sings to every song that plays as he stirs the noodles and checks the chicken and garlic bread.

He hopes his food will be edible, because he really wants to impress Josh. He has a few minutes until Josh should be getting home, so he hurriedly sets the table for the two of them.

After setting the table he runs to hurriedly drain the now done noodles and turns the chicken's burner off then sits it on the back burner; after giving it a quick stir.

He grabs the the sauce pan from the bottom cabinet and adds butter and heavy cream slowly letting them melt together on medium heat. Once melted he adds some salt and pepper along with two cups of grated parmesan cheese.

After tossing the pasta, sauce, and chicken he sits the bowl in the center of the table as he takes the garlic bread out of the oven.

As soon as he sets the bread on a plate and walks to the the table Josh walks through the front door.

"Babyboy, I'm home," his tired voice calls through the house and Tyler rushes to greet him.

"Joshy," Tyler squeals as he throws himself into Josh's arms, "I missed you."

"I only went to work," Josh's laughs as Tyler goes on his tip toes to kiss the boy in front of him.

"Mhm something smells good," Josh's says quirking an eyebrow at Tyler.

"I cooked for us," Tyler says shyly as he bites his lip and looks to the floor.

"Thank you, I bet it's amazing," Josh compliments as he tugs at his tie.

"I doubt it, I haven't cooked since I was 16," Tyler says nervously as Josh walks upstairs to change.

Tyler grabs a bottle of purple, pinkish champagne and sits down as he waits for Josh to join him at the table.

"What did you cook, princess?"

"Chicken fettuccine Alfredo," Tyler says shyly as he stares at his currently empty plate.

"You're such a blessing," Josh says lovingly as he kisses Tyler on the cheek and takes a seat in front of the boy.

They both grab some garlic bread and a spoonful of pasta as they start talking.

"Oh my goodness, Tyler. You're like a master chef," Josh says stuffing more pasta into his mouth.

"That's because you can't cook,"Tyler giggles as Josh gives him a playful glare.

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