Bright Smiles and Sweet Replies

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The sun illuminates Tyler's small apartment as the boy lays on his bed burrowed into his bedsheets, wearing nothing but a pair of pink lacy panties and an oversized white t-shirt.

He has the whole week off and he hasn't seen or heard from Josh since the night Josh had asked him on a date. All the smaller boy has done is lay in bed and think about everything he could possibly think of.

He pondered politics and rather or not any candidate was suitable. Surely Hillary belonged in prison and shouldn't be held upon a throne because she could potentially be the first female president. Her scandals and secretive ways wasn't something America needed in Tyler's opinion, there is already too much of that as it is.

Trump is probably the worst choice as his only motives is to be held at a higher level of power that's he is not yet been categorized under. It's obvious he's a horrible human being, and Tyler doesn't like any of his points or views for that matter.

He'd probably vote for Bernie when it came time. At least he was trying to do good, even though he has some flaws, but don't we all.

He wondered about if he should buy new outfits to preform in, what colors would best suit him, if he should let his hair grow out or cut it, if Josh was actually going to text him....

Tyler was over thinking and he knew it, but that didn't stop that little voice eating away at him. It was like a annoying misquito flying around your ear as it hums loudly. And no matter how many times you swat at it, it only returns.

He sighed heavily as he tried to calm his nerves. He couldn't explain exactly how he felt, but it was surreal. It was like his chest was wounded tighter than a string on a guitar.

If he applied to much pressure he would break and coil into nothing but a wasted wire, and he wasn't sure how much pressure was too much.

His breath was uneven as he thought himself to death. His brain was pounding against his skull as he realized how stupid he is.

How could he believe a man like Josh was actually interested in him, a stripper. Josh was a wealthy businessman that could easily have any guy or girl be pleased, and well Tyler was just.... Himself.

He was a lanky boy that danced for money to pay his bills and get by. Tyler wasn't pretty and elegant like other dancers, he was clumsy and often tripped over his own feet. He knew he was good, but he wasn't the best. He wasn't a model with a fit, attractive body, he was lanky and small.

Josh could have anyone he wanted, he had a beautiful, sweet personality and looks to kill. Tyler knew he shouldn't have been so foolish, Josh probably pitied him because of his lifestyle.

From unknown number: Hey, is this Tyler?

Tyler grabbed his phone from his nightstand as he silenced the annoying sound of it vibrating against the wood. His face slowly forming a smile as he reads the text.

To Josh: That's me.

He sends the message and instantly cringes at the awkwardness.


He's watches the three dots appear as Josh types and his head swims with possible scenarios.

What if Josh says he didn't mean for Tyler to take him up on his offer, and that he only asked out of pity.

What if Josh just wanted sex and then leaves?

What if, what if, what if.

From Josh: Oh, good, hey it's Josh. I thought you'd give me the wrong number.

Tyler feels slightly offended as he reads those words before quickly typing out his reply:

To Josh: I'm feeling so attacked. Why would I lie to you?


From Josh: I'm sorry, but you didn't seem too thrilled about a date.

To Josh: Most guys are only interested in sex and I'm looking for something more than a quick fuck.

Tyler bites his nails nervously as he sends the messages to Josh. It's true, most guys did only want sex from Tyler after a date, he was looking for a happy ending not being left in the early morning hours after having random sex with a stranger.

Tyler may be an exotic dancer, but he still has standards and respected himself. He knew he was more than an object to touch on.

Read 12:45

His nerves intensified as he awaited Josh to reply, anything was better than nothing at all. He couldn't quit staring at his small screen, anxiously awaiting Josh's reply.


From Josh: Tyler, I'm not after sex. I just want to get to know you. Start things out slow and get to know you, at worse case scenario we don't feel that way about each other and try to be friends. I'm not some asshole looking for sex.

Tyler couldn't help the smile etched on his face that was so wide it made his cheeks hurt. Maybe Josh was somehow actually interested in him.

To Josh: Sorry, I'm just not used to decent human beings, I guess.

From Josh: Don't apologize for something you have no control over. What days do you have off this week?

To Josh: I have the whole week off. I've laid in bed ever since Saturday night.

From Josh: You deserve a break, you work hard. And how about we go on our date Thursday night about 6? The theme will just be casual. That is if you're still up for it.

To Josh: Of course I still want to go on a date with you, I live at The Heathen apartment number 28. See you then :))

From Josh: Can't wait, see you Thursday at 6, Babyboy.

Tyler's cheeks hurt as he keeps smiling from ear to ear, and his crooked teeth on full display. He locks his phone and falls against his fluffy pillows.

'I might finally find happiness in the future...' The small boy thinks as he lays on his bed smiling and closing his eyes.


Is it possible to be addicted to Chapstick? Because I think I have a problem.

Also, enjoy:

Also, enjoy:

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