Potential Disasters

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Tyler climbs off of the stage in a hurry to get changed and make his way to his small, cozy apartment. His hands ache from straining to hold his weight up on the pole as he soared around it.

He just wanted to put on an oversized sweater and leggings while sitting on his couch drinking raspberry peppermint tea and watching reruns of Whose Line Is It Anyway.

He slowly makes his way towards his small dressing room as he quickly shuts the door with a loud squeak of protest from the old hinges.

He sighs as he sits down at his vanity and looks in the mirror his flushed cheeks and sweat matted hair. He looks how he feels...horrible.

He slowly leans down to unzip his dark green duffle bag as he pulls out a towel to dry his sweat glistened body off with. He really needed a shower, but that whould have to wait until tomorrow morning, tonight he was going home and straight to bed.

He slowly pulled his black lace underwear off as he slips into boy shorts and galaxy printed leggings. Once he was covered from the waist down he stuffed the towel and his performance clothes back into the duffle bag and slips on an oversized white t-shirt.

The small boy then lightly apply's perfume and grabs his things before shutting the lights off to the small room and shutting the door. He silent thanked the heavens above that he didn't have to give dances tonight.

He walked out of the loud, crowded building with Pete's watchful eye. He threw open the door in a desperate attempt to inhale fresh oxygen. He takes a deep, slow breath as he lets his nerves slowly calm from the chilly fall air.

Tyler couldn't wait for fall to officially start. He loved to stroll through his small town and look at the fallen leaves scattered across the ground and barely hanging onto trees.

He slowly made his way towards his apartment in silence. His mind automatically bringing Josh to mind.


His boyfriend, Josh.

Tyler couldn't understand Josh for the life of him. Tyler often caught himself wondering what Josh, a self made billionaire,wanted with a boy like himself, a flimsy stripper.

Tyler was still in shock Josh had asked him to be his boyfriend so soon, he was also shocked he agreed. He remembers the very moment like it was mere seconds ago. The way Josh looked up at him with the stars in his eyes, like he was some prized possession. He remembers his mind screaming no, but his heart screaming yes.

He remembers not wanting to say no as he remembered all Josh has done for him. Josh was supporting and caring of Tyler's choices. Josh was always gentle when he touched him rather it was during a lap dance or just holding hands while they laid in Tyler's bed just talking.

He and Josh has agreed to take things extremely slow, especially since Tyler is terrified of relationships.

Josh knows Tyler is not an easy book to read, he's voiced that himself. Tyler has told the man that it was going to take time for him to let Josh in. He didn't want to just strip himself down to his purest form and let Josh read him.

Tyler was like a piece of writing. He was the creator of himself, but instead of writing himself out in bold, back ink across a pure white sheet of paper he was written in invisible ink. In order to read him you'd have to find a way to see what he reads, and it wasn't easily done.

If there is one thing Tyler's learned from past relationships it's pain. Tyler has been used and played like he was a toy for their own entertainment. They'd use him until they decided they wanted a new Ken to play with.

Josh knew Tyler was hesitant though and promised he'd move at Tyler's pace, but that made Tyler question it.

Why was Josh waiting on him? Why did Josh want him? What did Josh see in him? Why was Josh being nice to him?

In Tyler's mind it didn't add up. Billionaires don't fall in love with strippers because they like them.

Tyler was going to make sure he understood Josh and his motives before the relationship went too far. Hand holding, kissing, and cuddling was okay, but anything else was not even available for discussion.

He slowly shook out of his thoughts as he walked into the lobby of his apartment building and made his way up the stairs to apartment number 28.

He slowly walked to the heavy door as he took out his keys and unlocked it while pushing it open with his shoulder.

He shut the door behind him and locked it back before dropping his duffle bag in the middle of the floor and dragging himself towards his bed.

He quickly kicked his shoes off and pulled off his socks as he climbed into his comfy bed. The soft sheets caressed his aching body as he reached up to turn the bedside light off and close his eyes.

He thought of Josh and the saying his momma used to say, "it's not art until it has the potential to be a disaster."

The boy fell asleep with the hope that maybe he and Josh could be art.


A little filer chapter to help you see Tyler's insight a little more🙃

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