Wash Me Clean

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"Tyler, oh my god, baby are you okay?" Josh says as he hurries to Tyler's aid. The boy only whimpers as he hurriedly crawls into Josh's arms; holding tightly.

"Shh, it's okay baby; I'm here. You're safe now," Josh's coos as he stands up bringing Tyler with him. Josh places reassuring kisses all over Tyler's neck as he holds him.

It takes everything in Josh to refrain from killing the bloody body at his feet, but Tyler needs him.

"Josh, please take me home," Tyler croaks out as his voice is strained from crying so hard.

"Of course, babyboy."

Brendon's stands silently in the corner holding Tyler's bag as he watches the two. Tyler jumps and wraps his legs around Josh's torso as his face finds its place in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you, Brendon," Josh's says with a small smile as he holds Tyler's shaky frame against him.

"You're welcome."

They three slowly make their way towards the exit of the bar and straight to Josh's car. Brendon slips Tyler's bag into the back seat as Josh sits Tyler in the passenger seat carefully, and buckles him up. He gives the boy a quick kiss before shutting the door and waking to the driver's side.

"Listen man, I can't thank you enough. He's my world and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him," Josh says in a weak voice as he grabs Brendon in a bear hug.

"No problem, he's my friend," Brendon says as he pulls back, "I hate to ask you, but can you try to talk him out of dancing? He doesn't need to anymore, has you. He keeps getting hurt, and I don't want to see it."

Josh sighs as he looks at Tyler wiping at his eyes and back to Brendon's worried eyes, "I can't. He makes his own decisions, all I can do is support him. I make more than enough money to support us, but he loves dancing and I can't make him stop."

Brendon nods silently as he sighs in defeat and starts to walk to his own car, "take care of him, Josh. He's family."

"He's my whole world," Josh assures as he sends the man one last smile and steps into the driver seat. He looks at a tired Tyler as he leans over for another kiss that Tyler gladly accepts.

"Let's get you home, princess."

They drive in a comfortable silence until they reach their house and Josh hurriedly turns the car off and rushes to Tyler's door. He opens the door and Tyler quickly climbs out and holds onto Josh's hand as they walk up the steps and into the front door.

Tyler lets out a sigh of relief as he kicks off his shoes and limps to the leather couch.

"I'm going to go run you a bath, okay?," Josh says as he stands in front of the boy. His heart breaks as he sees the bruises on Tyler's exposed thighs and tear stains littering his face.

"Okay," Tyler agrees with a thankful smile.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you back," Tyler says in a soft voice.

Josh gives the boy a peck on the cheek as he rushes up the stairs to start Tyler's bath. Tyler can't help but to think about how lucky he is to have a boyfriend as good as Josh.

He hears the water start running from upstairs and sighs as he closes his eyes and let's his body melt into the couch underneath him. Today has been horrible.

It feels like mere seconds since he's shut his eyes, but Josh is slightly poking him and telling him his bath is ready.

"Carry me?" Tyler asks giving Josh his best puppy dog eyes and pout. Of course Josh gives in and picks Tyler up bridle style with ease as the smaller boy squeals.

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