'Missing you' Texts and A Netflix Date

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Josh nervously fiddled with his phone as he sat at his over sized sleek, black desk. It's been two days since his date with Tyler, and he is trying to decide rather he should text him or not. He didn't want to push the boy into talking to him, but he didn't want Tyler to think he forgot about him, or even worse used him in someway.

Sighing, he holds his thumb down on the home button to unlock his phone as he goes to his messages. His thumb hovering over the contact name ' Ty💙'

To Ty💙: Hey, how are you doing today?

He sends the message and mentally cringes at how old he sounds. Josh just can't get ahold of the slang these days.

Read 4:37


Josh slumps back in his chair with a smile as Tyler instantly opens his message. His mind running wild with possible replies from the small boy as the three white dots dance in a steady rhythm.

From Ty💙: good. I'm still laying in bed watching Netflix in my pajamas. :) how's work?

Josh feels his heart flutter at the thought of a cute, cuddly Tyler wrapped up in blankets with his pretty brown eyes trained on a movie in front of him.

To Ty💙: I bet you look cute, and I just finished with the last of my paperwork. I was wondering, when is a good time to schedule another day with you?

Josh watches the green line dart across his screen as the message sends and rereads his reply to make sure he didn't mess up while typing so fast; rolling his eyes at how formal he sounds.

Read  4:45

From Ty💙: Right now if you'd like. We could have a Netflix date?

Josh feels his heart warm at Tyler's invitation as he goes to write out a reply, but gets cut short by Tyler replying again.

From Ty💙: that is if you're not too tired or have others things to do.

Josh chuckles at how hesitant Tyler is and quickly replies:

To Ty💙: On my way.

Read 4:54

Josh grab his keys before walking out of his office with a rare smile. "Mark, could you lock up the place when you're done? I have somewhere I have to get to."

The golden haired boy brings his emerald eyes to look at Josh's glowing features as he looks confused. He knew Josh never smiled at work, he stayed straight faced and serious. "Y-yeah, of course! Have a good day, sir."

Josh left after giving the boy a thankful smile and walking to his car that Tyler apparently adored. He chuckles slightly remembering Tyler's reaction to seeing the stingray on their first date.

He hurriedly slipped into the driver seat and started the car as he let soft music play throughout the small car.

Oh, you fill my head with pieces of a song I can't get out.

~*~*~* Time Skip ~*~*~*

Josh manages to find a decent parking place as he climbs out of the low-built car, and makes his way towards the entrance of Tyler's apartment complex.

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