Dark Forming Bruises and Comforting Touches

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Tyler stands under the steady flow of his shower head as his skin burns. The water is steaming hot, but he's trying desperately to make the crawling feeling of that man's hands on his skin disappear with his soap down the drain.

He feels tears mix with the water as he rubs the skin raw on his hips in attempt to feel clean. It seems like no matter how many times he scrubs he feels disgusting.

He sobs as he turns the shower off and dries completely off with his favorite pink towel. His mind repeatedly chanting

Disgusting! dirty! unclean!

Tyler manages to pull his over sized pink sweater on over his white lace panties, and pulling on some comfy knees socks.

He's still sobbing as he desperately tries to brush his teeth and rid himself of that man's lips on his. He's already scrubbed his whole body raw trying to feel clean again.

Giving up on all of his attempts he sulks to his bed and grabs his phone while biting his lip. Small droplets roll off his face onto his phone screen as he sniffles and wipes them away quickly.

He lets his finger hover over the contact as he shrugs and calls the number, mumbling a "why not?"


"Tyler? Is everything okay?" Josh's worried voice sounds through the phone causing Tyler to cry harder.

"Josh could you please come over, please," Tyler's voice breaks as he sobs uncontrollably into the phone.

"I'll be right there. I'm coming, Ty," came Josh's worried voice as he hung up leaving Tyler to throw the phone in his hands and cry into his pillow.

The smaller boy scratches at the forming bruises on his hips as he feels disgusted. It's been awhile since someone's treated him like that. He feels vulnerable, weak, dirty....

He jumps when banging is heard from the other side of his door and he practically runs to open it. He opens the door to see a panting, disheveled Josh.

Tyler throws himself into Josh's strong arms as he sobs in the man's chest. Josh slowly picks up the crying boy and shuts the door, while walking them over to sit on Tyler's bed.

Josh is worried. Tyler is a proud person, he never asks for help or shows that he needs you. So, seeing Tyler cry in his arms while desperately pulling him closer by his shirt scared the hell out of him.

"Ty, baby, what's wrong?" Josh asks pulling the crying boy closer to his chest and tightening his grip around his small frame.

"H-he touched me," Tyler lets a heart shattering sob pass his lips as he buries his head into the crook of Josh's warm neck.

Josh stiffens as he hears the words slip from the crying boy's lips, "w-what? Tyler, who touched you?" Josh demanded as he clenched his first in anger.

Tyler pulls back and finally brings his tears to a stop as he straddles Josh's hips. He slowly looked into Josh's raging eyes as he laid a delicate hand on the man's chest, "a customer."

Tyler's voice was barely over a whisper, and Josh was only getting angrier as he imagines someone touching his Tyler.

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