I think I've Found Where I belong

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Tyler is the first to wake up as he turns over in Josh's arms to stare at the sleeping man. He looks so peaceful, and at ease like this and Tyler loves it.

Tyler admires the way the sun shines on the older man's face from their bedroom window as Josh squirms.

"Baby, quit staring," Josh mumbles as he turns away from Tyler and tucks his hands under his face.

"I just like admiring you," Tyler says as he crawls on top of the sleeping boy and presses slobbery kisses to his face.

"Ew, gross, get off," Josh's says laughing as he pushes Tyler's face away from his playfully.

"Don't you want my kisses?" Tyler teases as he grabs the older man's hands in his and leans forward. Josh just smirks as he shrugs and closes his eyes again.

Tyler takes the chance and leans forward; kissing an unexpected Josh. His hands cupping Josh's face as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Tyler takes control of the kiss as he holds Josh in place and feels the elder's fingers intertwines with his hair.

Tyler pulls back too soon for Josh's liking and smirks at the breathless, pouting boy that let a whine escape his lips. Tyler only giggles at Josh's pouty lips and admires the boy's pretty brown eyes.

Josh was art.

In this moment Tyler knows this is where he belongs; here in Josh's arms. He belongs with Josh.

"Josh, we need to talk," Tyler winces at the way he worded it as Josh's eyes become wide and worry masks his features.

"Uhm, okay," Josh nods nervously; signaling Tyler to continue.

"I want to quit dancing," Tyler says playing with Josh's fingers and looking at the man's chest.

"You what?" Josh says shocked at Tyler's words.

"I want to quit dancing. I'm always getting hurt and I just don't like it anymore. I don't like people that aren't you touching me. Dancing used to make me happy, but you make me happier. I've got you now."

"If this is what you really want, then of course I'll support you," Josh says taking the boy's hand and kissing it, "I'll support you in anything you decide to do."

"What did I ever do to deserve someone as amazing as you?" Tyler mumbles as he lays his head on Josh's chest.

Josh only chuckles as he holds the boy tighter in his arms,"but it is I that should be asking you that question."

"Quit being cute, it's disgusting," Tyler says fake gagging and making Josh laugh.

"You love it."

"If that's what helps you sleep at night, sure," Tyler shrugs and squirms out of Josh's tight grip. He walks down the stairs in nothing but Josh's NASA shirt and panties.

With a deep breath he picks up the landline and hurriedly dials the number before backing out. It rings and Tyler feels like puking, he hates feeling this way.

"Yeah? It's Jack," comes a male voice from the phone speaker that Tyler holds up to his ear.

"U-Uhm, hey, Jack, it's Tyler," he says mentally kicking himself for stuttering and sounding so awkward.

"Tyler, what's up?"

Taking a deep breath and leaning against the beige walls, Tyler sighs as his grip on the phone tightens.

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