Chapter 10

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No reaction, he didnt even move nor nod to show little courtesy but I am amazed again cause this wasnt expected from him. But well even am not going to say anything further, I decides and just then the lift stops at level 18 and he goes in there. Damn, so he too belong here. I feel more angry towards him and feel glad that I dont have to work here. Thank God...

Soon my destination arrives and I feel after such a start to my day, there isnt anything left to make it worse so I gather my confidence and walk towards the reception and the female there smiles at me. I go near the counter and speak.

"Good Morning!"

"Good Morning.." receptionist reply

"Well I got a call yesterday for my selection here.."

"Yes, welcome to Khanna Associations, just wait for sometime Mr.Khanna will be here any minute so you can meet with him and his Secretary who will guide you about the work."

"Ok.. sure.. So I should wait in the right left corner room?" I ask with a wide smile on my face.

"Hahaha.. no you can wait in the room just next to Mr.Khanna office its VIP waiting area as now you are our Manager." She replies

"Oh ok, great." I happily reply and feels even more confident about being allowed in VIP waiting room and walks into it.

15-20 minutes pass by but there is no sign of Mr.Viraaj Khanna, how irresponsible. A 1st dislike for the boss just like all the employees do. I laugh to myself. So to kill time, I start to have a look of this beautiful waiting room with paintings on wall, bookshelf and vases in the corners. After sometime, I get lost in the beautiful things there and didnt realise that some eyes are following me from the outside of the room and then I hear a voice calling my name;


I freaked out and dropped a showpiece that I was holding from the bookshelf and it smashes into pieces. I reacted so fast to that voice as it was weird. The way I heard my name sounded different and so I couldnt do anything but get scared. On looking to the man who called me I see Mr.Viraaj standing in the doorway of the waiting room looking right towards me with blank expression making me more scared and worried now that I have broken a property. I still managed to say;

"Ss- sor-ry"

"Hey, its totally fine girl. But you gotta be more conscious about your actions and words" He says walking towards me and giving me an accusing smile. I understand the mention of 'words' and 'action' I just did from our past two encounters. Shit...

"Well, for sure Sir I will take that into consideration and do my work properly. Sorry again for this." Pointing towards the broken pile of glassware. "And thankyou for giving me this job." I reply greatfully

"Oh, thats alright for the 1st time, though I would want to know why did you drop the thing hearing just your name. Do you really get scared hearing people call your name? Hahaahaha." He questioned light heartedly and continued "and 2ndly for this job you dont have to thank me but to my colleague who took your interview and whom you have insulted yesterday; Mr.Rudra, he had recommened you and wanted me to give you this position so you better thank him, next time you meet him."

Oh noo.. Like really?? How is that possible? May be boss is just being modest? I better ask again or... I twisted my style of knowing the truth.

"That is so nice of you Sir to say this but still thankyou."

"No its not me who you should thank, definitely. I havent done anything at all, infact I never thought about you" Well that was rude of him and I feel bad. He continues "this was supervised by him and you should only thank him for recommending you. Also, no problem you can do that later on as he also works in the same building and we will meet more often" He replied making me sure that it was Rudra behind my recruitment which is a beyond reality truth but it is and so I just say.

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