Chapter 23

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Parvati POV

My heart starts pounding and this is not the 1st time when I have felt this way. Whenever he comes close to me, my senses go away and a different kind of sensation takes over. I think Rudra could only leave such an impact on me, though I always try my best not to react in such a way to his approach but eventually ends up getting more close to him.

He looks deep into my eyes and the time stops there..

Its such an unreal experience that these pair of eyes leave so profound impression that I cant see anything else when I look at them. But, this time it was not like before when I couldn't understand the reason behind his actions. I have now started understanding him and his actions a tad more and this moment had more passion. Reason that, I have been trying to ignore him since sometime and vice versa but the way he caught me now, I can see the gust in his eyes. He surely doesn't like the fact that I didn't listen to him and this is why he is getting mad at me. The thing which am not able to understand is how should I react now. Precisely when he is inches away from me.

He says;

"Why didn't you come when I called you? Why? why do you always behave so strange with me?"

His words are hard on me. His rage and anger is clearly visible as he presses me to the wall with his hands gripping me as if I was some prisoner planning for an escape any moment. I try my best to keep at ease and reply;

"Sir, what are you doing? Leave me.."

"Shut up alright.. tell me why dint you come backstage to talk?" His voice is over powering and I know he wont leave me unless I reply.

"Sir please.. I didn't want to come there. What is it that you want to talk?"

"Oh really. So now you wont listen to your boss order?"

"You are not my boss any more. I already finished your work, so please." I reply immediately trying not to remind him of his words back in my office.

"Oh really you think that I ain't your boss any more haan?" He says and yank my wrist, holding it to my back. I wail in pain and he still continued his torture on me and say;

"You forgot that it was me who got you this job and am equivalent to being your boss. So remember that, okay?"

"Aaahh.. Sir please its hurting me? Leave me." I close my eyes in pain and turn my face to the left just to avoid contact with his face which was spitting fire with both eyes and words.

"I wont unless you bloody answer me. Why don't you ever talk to me properly? And why do you behave so strange towards me?"

"Ss-ir its not like that, what is there to talk about? You have important work and people around you, you surely don't have time to waste on me?" I try to catch my lost breathe and in very shaky voice I continue speaking;

"Its not me who behave strange but you."

The moment I said this, he leave my twisted wrist and takes a step back. He looks at me seethingly. I immediately opened my eyes to his angry face and hold my wrist to rub the place he was gripping me so tight and look back at him trying to understanding what was he doing now. We stood like that starring each other for a second and as I maneuver to take a step just then he comes ahead and block my way, holding me by my waist, and pulled me close to him.

I am surprised and instantly grasp the collar of his coat so that I can stop him and make little distance between us. The woobling didn't help as he held me so strongly, that I feel myself fragile and weak infront of him. He looked deep in my eyes but I still try my best to escape from his brace.

Parud: Sealed With A KISS...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora