Chapter 19

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We drive in silence as no one speaks a word to each other. The rain seems to finally stop but all the roads are filled with huge amount of water stranded everywhere making the roads slippery and invisible to track and suddenly somewhere, Rudra's car gets a hold of a road dig and the car sort of bounces making us jerk badly. I lost control and moved with full impact and hit my head, I couldnt even realise how and where did I hit as it happened all of a sudden. The only thing I do in reflex is whim and he immediately apply brakes on his car and turn to me with much concern.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

He ask me, touching my head to see if I got hurt or no. I suddenly feel so protective with this gesture that I just stay quiet and see this very contrasting side of Mr.Rudy towards me. His long fingers presses my head with one hand and other hand on steering wheel. His eyes are filled with worry, during this moment his fingers reach my face and a different kind of spark realised and I take my hand to hold his right there and feel the warmth from it. But then I come back to my senses and remember his words back in the office when he called me carrying a mask and pretending to be innocent. I just moves back feeling bad about the past accusations he had on me and I ask him;

"This is not real? Is it?"

He stops his work on my head and looks at me with confused expressions and I pushes his hand away. He sits back to the normal position and makes an angry face and tell;

"What the hell do you mean?"

"Nothing, just leave it.. Am sorry." Dont know if I should ask him such a question. May be he will get angry again and throw me out of his car, I dont want that right now. Also, I started feeling sick and my head starts trembling. So I decides to sit calmly without thinking too much and in hope of reaching home soon.

He just then with very serious tone ask me;

"Umm.. so what happened to you back there in the parking lot? Why were you terrified looking at me and sitting there?"

Ohh nooo.. I dont want to answer his questions but I have no other option. I keep my replies minimal, mixed with my usual sarcasm.

"I was actually afraid and not because of you but from the darkness"

"What are you talking about? Say it properly. I am in no mood to take your suspense stories.." He replied little loudly making my head ache.

"Please Sir, am not creating suspense.. its just that I am achluophobic. I hope you understand me or do you still think am just acting.." I reply and moan in pain and he looks directly at me leaving his sight from the road.

"Yeah right.. You just keep quiet now. I know what achluophobia is, and I understand it might get difficult but still when I first asked you to come, you just acted normal, so please.." He says and turns back concentrating on the road and since I dont want to argue with him and neither of us seems interested, I kept quiet, tilting my head, giving it hand support and closes my eyes.

After sometime, I hear a male voice calling my name. May be I feel asleep without realizing and when I open my eyes I see Rudra driving the car and calling me;

"Wake up alright.. you cant sleep, just tell me the way to your house. I am not a gprs to find places without you telling the exact location"

He again came back to being heartless. Dont he know how to wake up someone. Ugghhhh.. I feel angry on him but then just sit straight and see the road to find out our current location.

"We just reached here??" I am shocked to see even after 1 hour we havent entered Navi Mumbai.

"Dont complain now, just tell me the way. It was raining before and so I need to drive carefully to avoid the jerks, you see.. tell me the ways now"

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