Chapter 40

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Parvati POV

After one of the most weirdest conversation with Rudra, I quickly fix myself and come to the ground floor and walk nervously towards the meeting room. Its 2:50 pm and the meeting is about to start. Rudra had already left the room that time and told me to come directly to the meeting. I don't really know what is going to happen inside. Its bizarre how after a disastrous meeting back in Mumbai, I am here in London going to be part of a meeting with half english and rest of the elite members of both companies. God, how can I get stuck in all of this? I never thought I would get a chance to work in such a company were within 3 months I am going to be part of all this. This is going to be the most difficult experience of my life.

Not being able to think properly I reach there, as soon as I enter the room my eyes land directly on Rudra sitting third seat on the other side of the big meeting table. He have changed his clothes and is wearing a slim fit brown tuxedo with white shirt and brown dress pants, looking dashing as ever. His eyes meet mine and the attitude he carry in them is so intimidating just like how he met me during my interview. Oh God, why am I thinking all this. Few people have already been seated including Mr. Nath who smiled at me when I saw him there.

Suddenly as I keep my second step inside the room, Aman jumps right in front of me and hugs me straight into his arms.

"Hey, you are finally here. Gosh, how have you been? Didnt see you since yesterday, do you know that?" Aman says with excitement taking me completely off guard.

"Yeah, I know. Am sorry." I reply feeling sad.

"Hey. You are fine right? Are you ready for this? Hope my friend didn't torture you? He didn't let anyone meet you." Aman said pointing at Rudra.

"I am not fine Aman. I am actually very nervous for this meeting. Please forgive me in advance." I reply and just then more people started entering the room. We cleared the way and I see Rudra looking into his file. He didn't even smile when I entered inside.

"Oh please. Forget it. This is not a big deal and you know what I have to tell you something very important after the meeting. Now come lets get you seated." Aman got my attention and asked me to sit just opposite of Rudra but 4th seat on the left side of the table. I kept looking at Rudra for sometime but he just didn't see me back. He either kept looking at his file or spoke with the person sitting on his other side. I felt weird, is everything okay?

Just then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I see Mr. Viraaj standing behind me.

"Oh sir." I jerk a little and stood to greet him.

"Parvati, where were you? I wanted to see you. You know the presentation have few changes now. I tried reaching you, where did you go?" Mr. Viraaj said with full concern but left me thinking if he already knew about the changes and he was searching for me. Dint he knew that Rudra was with me? And he made the changes for me? 

"Sir I was preparing. I came to know about it." I reply.

"By whom?" He asked little shocked and as I was about to reply Aman start speaking to the people in the room. Everyone got perfectly seated on their chairs as meeting got started. Mr. Viraaj went ahead and sat next to Rudra straight in front of me and Mr. Nath is on my left. I looked at Rudra who is 20° from me but he was listening to Aman including everyone else.

"Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to see all our members here as we will be starting the Aisleyart 1st overseas meeting now." Everyone started clapping hearing Aman begin.

"This meeting is headed by Mr.Dhawan the CEO and Project head of Aisleyart and myself from DeDoras Co operations who will be telling you about the project and profit margins regarding the properties of Aisle. We also have our partner company's head Mr. Viraaj and his team who will present some very significant points for this project. As you all can see a copy of this year's Aisle sells plan is kept infront of you and hope you all are satisfied with our ways. So now I would first like to call Mr.Dhawan; the Aisle's owner to come forward and speak about the idea of overseas expand of the project. Thank you." Aman ends his introduction and called Mr.Dhawan to speak. My heart starts beating fast.

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