Chapter 36

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Rudra POV

She stood on her place startled, looking at me as if I am a new species to her. Her attractive features pulling me towards her even when she is 15 feet away from me. I have missed seeing her since a week. Though in this past week nothing much have happened but my mind was just filled with Parvati's thoughts. Thankfully I didn't do anything stupid or shocked her with my tantrums, rather I was able to keep myself at peace, may be because somewhere I have realized that Parvati and me have strange ties with each other that can't be put into words. She has taken over me and whenever she is around, my eyes and heart are just stuck to her and they somewhere yearn to be with her.

She stood there nervously for a minute and made me lose my mind with her soft voice that came out of her mouth;

"Hello, everyone. I am Par-- Parvati." She sounds so tensed which I don't want her to be. I always liked her for speaking her heart out but what happened to her now?

"I--eeeii, I am the recruiting manager and we will be-- aa--"

What is she saying? I look at her when I hear her voice breaking and shaking with every word coming out. She doesn't talk like this. Didn't she knew about this meeting? Is she not prepared? So why is she not able to speak? I started feeling upset at the same time worried seeing her struggle in front of 30 people. I look at Aman who is also looking at her with worry. Her eyes fluctuating between me and Aman and she continue to stammer;

"Rajan's have been working with DeDoras for quite long a--and this time when I am part of it-- we shall try our best to provide them with people they want. I am new to this thing but feel lucky to work in such an amazing company is fortunate" What the hell is she saying? I feel like stopping her for speaking absurd things and just then Viraaj stood up and interrupted;

"Well I guess Parvati is just being nice but coming to the working. We will make sure as per Mr.Aman had said earlier that we will be providing any kind of work force for this project and if any one of you or us don't work well then they all can be replaced to provide best to this project. We have already started the search and if I can ask Parvati to show us the study for how many people are approximately required in this project."

I somewhere feel glad seeing Viraaj come to her rescue because I was sure she couldn't do this. Its my first time to see her talk in a meeting and this again reminds me of someone very close to me in the past and I know how she must be feeling. My mind is distracted and I started feeling nostalgic when I see her nod at Viraaj and come towards me holding her usb not looking at me even for ones. Her face has turned pale due to tension. On approaching she very slowly says,

 "excuse me" and start using the main laptop to get her work.

Her hands shaking as she try to put that damn thing inside the port. Is it because of me she is unable to do her meeting properly? Is she scared? Upset? Or what? My brain start thinking possibilities and suddenly I decide to help her out of concern. May be?

I take my hand and stop her but to shock me she pulled her hand back and continued putting the usb inside. It irked me and I just kept my hand on hers, stopping her and said;

"Wait let me help."

Hearing that she left the usb on the table and moved aside. I moved forward and attach it and she immediately came to take the mouse and start looking for her work in it. I wanted to tell her to calm down, I know by now that she is uncomfortable because of me as the last time our departure was not on a good note, but I couldn't do so. I dont want to create a scene with Parvati in the middle of a meeting and if she responds the same way when I was trying to help her a second ago then I won't be able to control my temper. 

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