Chapter 24

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I immediately feels like moving out from this horrendous situation. Rudra finishes his speech and gets down the stage after everyone give him a round of applaud. But as soon as I turn to walk, I hear someone calling my name back from the crowd, I turn to see who is that calling, I see Aman coming in my direction.

"Hey.. where are you going?" Aman asks after approaching me

"Hmm..Nothing I was going home. I guess the party is over right?" I reply hesitantly.

"Noo. You cant go. I mean.. the party is still on. Well the official things are over but still fun remains." Aman adds.

"Well.. Aman I am sorry its already late and am not use to staying out this long especially at night. You see Maama and Maami will get worried. So its better I go." I try to reply in the most appropriate way without revealing the real reason for me to go but it was true that I was actually getting late and my family would get worried for me.

Aman makes a sad expression and reply;

"Well.. I thought we could spend more time together but its fine, I can understand. No problem but tell me how was my speech? How do you feel?" Aman asks me. He is actually a very nice person. He understand people and behave so nicely unlike his friend; Rudra. Grrrr.. my mind never leaves thinking about him. I try to divert my mind and reply;

"Oh it was amazing. You said it very nicely, though you were little nervous but its fine. After all, its a big project and you will be responsible for it. I wish you the best. And am sorry for not spending more time, surely next time. Tonight you spend it with your colleagues and friends." I say with a little smile to show my happiness.

"Hey.. you have started to understand me haan. How did you find out that I was getting nervous?" Aman asks me astonished.

"Hahaha.. well I have a little thing with people. I understand them." I reply raising my eyebrows.

"Also because we are now friends so it will be good to know each other right?" I continued.

"I like the second thing more..hahaha.. anyways if you really want to go. Please do but tomorrow we shall meet for lunch, ok?" Aman asks.

"Hmmm okay I will try my best to make it up for lunch." I reply thinking that it is not a bad idea, if I meet Aman tomorrow but atleast I can go out from here now, as I dont want to meet Mr.Rudy again and get myself embarrassed. We sign off by giving each other a good bye hug.

I wait outside the venue to get myself a cab or anything but since it was already past midnight, getting a transport seems little hard. Though lots of vehicles were passing by but no one stopped. I continued looking for a cab when suddenly I hear Rudra's voice coming from behind my back. I turn to look at Rudra and Mr.Viraaj coming out of the hotel, talking and smiling. I dont want them to see me so I turned again and moved to the corner when Mr.Viraaj calls me;

"Hey Parvati, what are you doing here?"

I look at them and felt so bad that they found me. I instantly looked at Rudra and he seems just so normal trying his best to avoid me. So purposely I diverted my eyes to the man who asked me question and reply;

"Sir I was going back home. Its getting late here."

"Oh well, some people dream to work with big companies but cant get adjusted to their environment." Rudra interrupts and snaps at me with a smirk on his face.

I felt so angry on him and wanted to give a killer reply but just maintained my stance and avoid his nonsense only when Viraaj speaks;

"Hey so you guys are still behind each other haan? Rivalry is Onn?"

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