Chapter 31

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Rudra's POV

"I don't think we were friend's ever" Parvati reply with her usual breaks in the sentence and mere serious tone which makes me want to laugh as she looked childlike.

I stayed quiet for a while actually thinking what she said is right but then why do I have to be friends with her? When, even I know that can not happen. We cant be friends.. I too don't want to be a friend. I have enough friends already with whom I am happy. With her, its not possible but there is no other way to put this relationship to words. I know am being stupid by making her a friend when I just shared a passionate kiss with her one day back. It doesn't make sense.

When I come to think about kissing, its been like years now when I have kissed another girl or for that matter even had a serious relationship after Sapna. Oh Man, what am I thinking.

I come back to reality when Parvati start speaking;

"Sir, have you spoken to Mr.Viraaj about me rejoining back to my old position?"


"Am asking if you spoke to Mr. Viraaj or no?" She repeats again just because I was still wandering in my thoughts.

"Yes, I did speak to him and the good news for you is that he is eagerly waiting for you to resume. Guess he is missing you so much." I reply in my normal tone trying to imagine Viraaj's face when I told him about Parvati's change of mind and his smile escalated hearing it and he asked me how did I convince her and all sort of nonsense which he wanted to share with me. I dont really know what made him so happy about but let it be..

"What do you mean by that? " she again brought me back and my mood now is for some reason not very calm which I was trying to keep just because I told Parvati for a new mutual relation but thinking about Viraaj just got me little upset.

"I mean.. he is very happy to get you back. As simple as that. Cant you understand what I said?"

"Well am sorry Sir, I forgot am not allowed to ask or say anything according to my will. Also am glad we are back to square one." She reply sarcastically looking outside the window. Oh shit she is upset now. We surely are very short tempered people. I have finally understood the thing, that why we are always behind each other. 

"Stop calling me Sir, alright? Oh and we are not on square one we just cant stay in any square because we keep circling around each other and ---" I stop mid sentence just so I dont say anything wrong.

"Oh really then why did you come to pick me now? And also I wont stop calling you Sir, because thats the best way to address you." She reply still not looking at me.

"But why? I told you, we can be friends right? So that we can build a new equation." I reply with a straight expression, facing her.

"I don't think that is a good plan."

"Look at me when I am speaking alright. What do you mean? Why cant you just agree to me ones?" I say in a much higher volume now.

She looks back at me ironic to what I just said.

"Yes what is it Sir?"

I realise I was being loud when I notice my driver looking at us through the front mirror. Keeping my self cool and trying my best to be normal I continue.

"Listen, Parvati before the office come I really want to sort this matter. I have told Viraaj and Aman that we have sorted our difference and if we dont behave nicely towards each other which we usually do then it will not be a good impression on them. Nevertheless, it doesn't affect me what people think about me but am worried about you. I don't want because of me, you don't give your best in the work."

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