Chapter 44

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Parvati POV

I wake up as the bright sunlight hit my eyes and made see the day. A new day adding to a year awaits me. I stretch my arms wide and take the essence of the new feelings, its my 24th birthday. I smile feeling a little more grown up and then looked around to find myself in Rudra's suite. Damn, all my freshness fades away thinking that I slept with him last night... I slowly sat and look if he was here but the place was empty. Oh no, I quickly thought to leave from here before Rudra comes back. I went to the bathroom to freshen up but still looked dull and caught up in this heavy dress that I wore. Why did I wear this? I curse myself. Then straight away went down and headed my way out when suddenly a voice hit my ears;

"Good Morning!!!" Oh no. I stop dead in my tracks to slowly turn around and see Rudra sitting at the dinning table and sipping his coffee. He looked so good and in perfect shape wearing a dull green shirt with black pants, guess his hangover is gone. Looking at him it reminded me of our last night. I didn't speak a word and so he added;

"Come, have some breakfast."

"Aammm--Good--Good Morning Ssi--" I stood right there and gave an awkward smile to him to which he responded with an intense half smirk. Rudra can best do that and make me melt from inside. Shit, I just confessed my feelings to him last night. What will he be thinking about me? My brain and heart were fighting with each other when I didnt realize that Rudra came and stood in front of me.

"Hey, what happened to you? I am calling you since long? Where are you lost?" He snapped at me.

"Oh.. am sorry." I said immediately.

"Its okay, come lets do breakfast and then we can plan the day." Rudra replied casually.

I am kind off surprised with his attitude.

"Plan the day?" I said slowly yet fully surprised.

"Yes, its your birthday Parvati and since we couldn't do dinner last night and am sure you haven't eaten anything since long. So, in order to compensate I have decided to take you out for lunch and also I have to meet someone in the evening at the harbor so you can come along with me and see that place. What say?" He said.

Oh so that's how he wish me Happy Birthday and have already planned the day so what is there to ask? And have he forgotten whatever happened last night? Why is he behaving so nice to me? I don't understand anything and my stomach is crumbling with every passing minute. I quietly walked and joined him at the table, he placed a yummy looking pancake garnished with banana and strawberries. He then passed an egg and cheese sandwich plate right in front of me. I looked at him and he said;

"Finish all of this, we have a long day to see."

Without saying anything I reluctantly started eating the pancake as he kept sipping his coffee back and checked his mobile. What is going on with him? Is he fine with whatever I said him last night? My mind kept asking me this but I had no answer. Just then he brought me back by saying;

"Hmmm Parvati, did you sleep well? Am sorry I was drunk."

I looked at him stunned, his question choked the food in my esophagus and I tried to get a decent reply.

"It was fine." After a minute I was able to say this when infact it was one of the best nights of my life. It was a night every girl dream for when she confess her love to the man who suddenly becomes the most important center of her life and she just wants to be with him. But I can't say this to him, atleast not now when his attitude is completely different and also when he is in all the senses and might understand everything very well.

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