Chapter 21

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Parvati POV

I finally reach home, totally exhausted from the whole week of turmoil. It was suppose to be a fresh start to new work and I planned to enjoy it rather it turned out to be full of adventures, workload andddd?? Thinking for a better word. Oh yeah a heart break. I think to myself, sitting on my bed.

Thankfully now since I got a job and as am little older to my sisters; I finally got an independent room. I sit there still remember those scenes from the morning when Rudra held me in his arm and kept on pulling me. The way I kept lossing myself to his pulls and touch. Was I falling for this strange arrogant man? This is the toughest question I had asked myself. This cant be possible... I think and brings solution for the question which is held up on me and I want to solve it before its late.

I can never be with such a Man. He's my boss's friend and in my dreams also I can never be in relation with such rich man of arrogance, ego, attitude. A man wanted by may be hundred girls and I can only be his employee or some sort of his escort.. Ughhh.. I feel disgusting. Oh God.. what am I even thinking? I hated him the moment I saw him in the elevator after he barely recognized me.

Due to all these thoughts, I feel agitated and starts pacing back and forth in my room. Some kind of boxing match was happening in my head. One part ask me if I am so weak to fall infront of someone so emotion less and inconsiderate to people. The other asks me to give a bang on to his face next time if he tries to come close to me.

I am defeated in both the ways and this makes me dizzy and I sit even restless on my situation. The flashes of his eyes, hair, voice and that nose which was like a nail width away to brush my face when he pulled me towards him. I was so lost in that moment and when he said those things my heart actually ached from those words. I want to ask him if he can ever me little polite to people and especially girls. He doesnt behave like this to Viraaj or Aman but me. My thoughts had war with me and I have no option left but sit on my desk and start writing to bring me back to normal when just after few minutes my cell phone rings;

"[UNKNOWN].. " The screen shows unknown number and my mind darts to Rudra, if he had taken my number and called to accuse me for choosing a wrong secretary for him or any matter which suits him to insult me. But then I think, why will he even feel to call me, hes a busy businessman and have lots more to do rather than calling me personally. So I pick the call;

"Hello" I speak, its kind of an old habbit to speak first.

"Hello Is this Parvati speaking?" A man's voice from the other side speak. Oh no I felt kind off weird but try to respond.

"Yes its me. Who is this?" I ask

"Hey, Hi Parvati.. apne friend ki awaz bhul gaye tum? Hahaha.. its me Aman from the 18th floor" He reply jokingly.

Hahaahah.. I get the sarcasm at mention of level 18 but I was surprised to get a call from Aman.

"Oh heyy.. Hi .. how are you Aman? How come you called?" I asked puzzled

"Yes its me, am good just very busy with work. I have a news for you." He replies

"Oh sure.. go on.. what is it? Hope everything is alright?"

"Yes its all fine. Just that our company is going to start a really big Project and unfortunately I have been chosen as the Project head."

"Oh..that is really good na. Am sure you will do it really well. I heartly congratulate you and Wish--" I say but get stopped by him as he speaks.

"Aaann.. No you have to personally come and Wish me. I wont take this virtual wishes. Moreover, you got yourself so busy in just a week that we didnt meet since your 1st day."

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