Writers blog.

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 so you saw the title. yes, it's true.  Kane is in some deep shit right now!

  sorry for the late updates, but i have alot of ideas for the next chapter, but then again i'm getting stuck one word after another. so please, bear with me.  but i think it will only be for this week. next week, i promise i'm going to update.

       i want to ask some questions;

what if Michael did something just like Kane did, should she forgive him?

if Robin forgive her family, the pack and her mate should she get back with them?

what should Kane really do for Robin to forgive him?

what about Michael? what will happen to him if Robin gets back with Kane?

what should Kane do if Robin gets together with Micheal? their destiny to be with each other, how will they go on? they say you only get one true love in life. and for Robin, Kane is her one true love.

another thing, the cover contest. no one!!!!! no one!! made a cover and send it to me. *cries* but i forgive you.

so, next week, you will have a chapter up date. answer these questions, i want to know what you think. what will you do if you were Robin.

His Mistake---Too Little Too Late (ROUGH DRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now