Chapter 1

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Bending the Rules (REDUX)
Ana Steele is a junior in high school, and like every other teenage girl she is struggling to find herself. After an essay she's written for English, she catches the attention of her teacher, Mr. Grey. He only doesn't like to pick on her in class, but he also seems to like to exclude her from the rest of the students.
**This original story was penned by BrendaBites, who has graciously allowed me to take over this story and make it mine. All other credits go to author E.L.James for her works. This is not for profit, and all mistakes are mine! ***
For my legacy followers: I'm back! I know 2 years off from writing to do studies paid off! I am settling in with my new job and can find time to write again. I know I promised many readers a short story about the graveyard scene with Christian. It is on the back burner. I have formulated the framework!
For my new followers following BrendaBites original story: I hope you can enjoy my other two titles and also hope that you like the redux of BB's story!
For my legacy followers, you may enjoy this as I was sad too, that BrendaBites wanted to discontinue this story. (Her story is 25 chapters and I will release them along with my REDUX chapters.) I took on finishing this story as it had so much potential for being a great read!—Tw1pad
So... without further goes!

"Your class schedule," the lady at the front desk of the Student Services office says, handing me the papers, still warm from being freshly printed. "Have your teachers sign this one here, and bring it back here at end of the school day."
I nod as I whisper thank you. I look around the office, seeing old gray paint and even older staff. There must be someone here under fifty. I glance down at the class schedule, absently tucking hair behind my ear.
I am startled by a shout, calling someone over to me, "Jose, she's new here; give her a tour, will you?"
I turn toward the woman just in time to see a dark haired boy approaching me. "Certainly," he answered, showing a perfect row of white teeth.
"You're all set, Ana, and Jose will show you around before going to class." She glanced at her watch and frowned, "There's only about twenty minutes left of this class anyway."
I watched him as he stopped inches from me. On his shirt was a plastic rectangular tag that read 'Office Aid.' He seemed the overly friendly type; one whom I may even become friends with. "I'm Jose, by the way," he says, thrusting his hand out to shake.
I warily returned the handshake. Too close. Much too close. "Ana," I mumble. Jose catches my slight unease at the touch and smiles, pointing the way through the hall. As we walked the halls Jose would sporadically identify an office. "Here's the music room," he says.
"Cool," I respond. Jose is not catching my obvious lack of interest in this area. Yeah, as if I play. I am way too clumsy with instruments and any love of music that I had was beaten out of me.
Jose points out other sections: the nurses' office, the auditorium, and the gymnasium. "You don't take gym this year, do you?" Jose asks.
"No, I'm in my junior year," I state. Why he is so interested?
"Me, too; maybe we have some classes together. Let's see your schedule." Jose takes the schedule from me. Why is he so eager? I looked around the hall while he scanned the paper. This school is much older than my old one in Texas. The ceilings are high and the walls are bordered with fine oak trim and wainscoting. This place is beautiful. Maybe I can spend my free time here.
"Cafeteria is here," Jose points to a large well-lit eating area. There are round tables littered throughout the room and various vending machines at one wall.
"We only have one class together. That's too bad," he says, his words drifting off. "Your classes seem pretty good. You have all the smart classes."
What do I say to that? I force a smile. "Uh, Cool."
"Watch out for Mr. Grey though," he warned. "Most of the females are all over him but I don't see why. He is one scary fuck."
His words brought me to attention. "Really?"
Jose nodded and handed me back the schedule. "My friend has his class and from what I've heard he's a total prude and really strict. Just don't get on his bad side." Jose paused and looked me up and down. "Actually, I doubt you'll have a problem with him."
What? I nod in agreement. That's me; invisible to a fault. No one ever sees me...
"Let's see, you have History right now, right?"
I checked the schedule, "Second hour?"
"Yes. We have block schedule, which is great since we get out early, but sucks if you're not a morning person."
"I have history then," I said.
"Let's go up to that class then," he said, leading me up the stairs. He explained how the class numbers worked, "Oh and the library is there," he pointed.
I glanced at it and smiled. It was like heaven and it looked much bigger than the one in my last school.
"Just go on in," Jose said when we finally reach the door to my class. "I have to get back to the office and we don't have much time left, but I'll try to find you during lunch."
"Thanks," I said, nervously clutching my papers. "I'll see you then."
With that said, Jose left, leaving me with no choice but to enter the classroom.
I take my first step inside, trying so hard to be silent. Extreme failure as about twenty pairs of eyes land on me. "What?" the teacher asks me from behind her desk. "Do you need something, young lady?"
"I - uh... I'm new," I fluster. I walk over to her desk and hand her the slip for her to sign and waited for instructions.
She handed me back the paper and raised her eyebrow. "We have less than ten minutes left of class and I don't need you here."
I blinked and caught off guard. "Oh... So do I-"
"Just go get the rest of your signatures," the teacher interjected and waved me away. What did I do?
Gathering my courage, I silently walked out. That was odd. Now what was I supposed to do? I wish Jose was there so I wouldn't be so lost and confused.
I began to aimlessly walk around the school searching for any classes I had that need teachers signatures. I should have paid more attention to Jose's tour. I wouldn't be in this bloody mess.
I had been quietly cursing with frustration when I was then instantly stopped. "What are you doing?" a sharp voice asked.
I looked up, shocked and a bit frightened, "Uh—" my response was caught like a thief in my throat when I saw who spoke. It was a tall handsome man dressed smartly in a gray suit and tie. His gray eyes were focused solely on me, as if he were inspecting me. I felt myself turn red, but still I could not make my mouth release any words.
"Go back to class," he said politely, looking down at me. He seemed as if he had taken pity on me.
"I- The last teacher told me to-"
"You're not supposed to be out in the last ten minutes of class," he raised an eyebrow. "What are you, a sophomore? You should know better by now." Well, so much for pity...
"I'm new," I said, and held up my new schedule as if that was all the proof needed to exonerate me.
He didn't look very convinced, "Just go back to class then," was all he said before walking away.
I let out a long breath. I have never seen a teacher—I guess he's a teacher—as handsome as him. He is certainly the antithesis of the entire old faculty here...
I chickened out and decided to fling myself into the first available bathroom and stayed there until the next bell rang.

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