Chapter 16

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A/N: Thanks everyone for the great feels! Thanks to the lovely readers who never fail to contact me after every post! (You know who you are...!)

p.s.: I must admit that I was terrified to write this chapter. For two or more weeks, I have bounced several scenarios around regarding their first kiss because I want this chapter be both pivotal and epic... (I want to avoid this being a cliché. Is this asking too much of myself? LOL)

p.p.s: This would have been out sooner, but I desperately had to see Beauty and the Beast last night!



It is a challenge to keep my breathing even. He is so close that even in this dim light I can almost see the black specks in his grey eyes. It is amazing how his closeness is enough to make me feel warm even though there is a lingering chill in the air. Sound is standing still around us, even though a small crowd of people chat and watch us intently as they wait to get into the club.
He replaces his handkerchief with his thumbs and delicately removes the rest of my mascara. His hands are soft and I must fight the urge to lean into his caress. His fingers cradle my face and I wonder how it would feel to be cradled in his arms.
"There," he says and pulls slowly away showing me his now smudged thumbs. "Don't feel the need to hide behind make up Anastasia. You look perfect without it," he says as he smiles.
"Thanks," I say. I pull back to lean against the brick. I know that my legs are turning into jelly and it is better to hide that fact by leaning. He hides a look and takes a step backward.
"Are you still feeling faint?" he asks, sounding worried again. He takes a step forward and raises a hand. I think he is about to touch me but his hand suddenly drops back to his side.
"No, no, I'm good now. It only lasts a few seconds," I tell him. He does not need to know the real reason I sound so off.
After this pregnant pause, I notice the time and it is getting late. "I should go find Kate, or Jose. The panic is long gone, but I don't think I can stay in there for too long."
He seemed hesitant, before saying, "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe we can - how about- I mean, if you'd like, we can go get you something to eat. You must be feeling the adrenaline after affects from your anxiety attack." His tone is soft but he seems resolute.
I shake my head, feeling my cheeks warm, "No, no, I'm fine. I'm just going to go find Kate-"
"You're going back in there?" Mr. Grey interrupts, looking upset. "The boy just kissed you," he said, making it sound worse than it should have been. He shakes his head slightly, and adds, almost to himself, "Should I go talk to him?"
"No," I said quickly. How weird would it be for them to see Mr. Grey was here? "No, it's fine. I handled it."
He pauses for a moment. "Fine. But, before you go back in there, why don't I take you somewhere to eat-" he adds, "Because you are feeling ill. I wouldn't want you to pass out."
I try not to let my expression sour. Food does not sound appealing right now "I think I should go back inside. They may be wondering where I am." I push off the side and waver a little. The adrenaline is wearing off and I feel a little wobbly.
"Ana, you need to get some food inside you," he says. He seems determined to make me eat. I need to let him know that I am fine but that I can't fight being alone with him right now. He grasps my arm to steady me. He leans in and I think that he will kiss me. I close my eyes and lean in to accept his kiss.
And wait.
I open my eyes and find him with his fist against the brick. He won't look at me. Good. He won't see the sting of tears that wait to fall.
"Okay," He says and lets out a puff of air. "Ok, Ok. I will leave now and you can go back to Kate. Just please say that you'll be careful." I note an ephemeral look of frustration in his eyes. He removes his hand from where it was scorching my elbow and I feel instant rejection wash over me.
He guides me toward the bouncer at the door and then he exits quickly. I almost hear him mumble as he gets farther and farther away. I stop and look back to where we were standing. Jose's all but forgotten rose was crushed and lying on the dirty sidewalk.
Christian POV
I can't get away fast enough. My steps bring me closer to my car and I palm the key in my hand. I was so foolish in thinking that I could kiss her and have her accept me- I am such the romantic fool. I lost that bravado I had earlier.
I almost kissed her.
I yank the door open and slide in. I slam the door shut and welcome the bang in my ears. I deserve to be berated. I deserve to be yelled at. I deserve to have my hard work in becoming a teacher thrown in my face. I deserve to see what I could lose if I had kissed her. My fingers are claws digging through my hair and pulling.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck... My shouts become laments. My hands become numb from pounding the steering wheel. A bitter taste of acid fills my mouth and I feel like vomiting. I start the engine and slam the car into reverse as I tear out of the parking lot.
Glassy-eyed, I walk back into the bar. My heart is splintered and I have embarrassed myself again with him. Oh God! Why? Why am I constantly doing this to myself!? I near the front bar where Kate is still canoodling with Elliot.
I wipe any tears that may have appeared and pinch my cheeks. Time to put on a brave face. Kate turns and sees me and pulls me into her arms. She is so excited to see me and she has that love-stricken look on her face. I know she is enamoured with Elliot. We step aside but close enough that Elliot's hand still strokes along the bare length of her back.
"Isn't he dreamy?" Kate all but purrs, "He's asked me for another date and I said Yes. He said he has a brother so that we can double-date!" I had to give it to her, Elliot is very handsome with that tall, California surfer, dirty-blond curly locks and tanned skin. I can't say that he's my 'type', but then again – I never had a 'type' before. 
I want to leave so badly but I can't disappoint her; she is having so much fun and I don't want to spoil her night. I owe it to her for her happiness.
I am doing a great job of hiding the pain. Strength is to smile when you know that tears are about to fall. I swallow back the lump and put a huge grin on. "Well, he's... something," I say and lean over Kate to give him a smile. "Hello again, Elliot."
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since you were dancing with Jose!" she says conspiratorially. "It's obvious he likes you, maybe you should give him a chance?" She lifts her glass and takes a sip.
She doesn't see me stiffen so she obviously missed what happened afterward. She doesn't need to know that Jose already made a sloppy pass at me. She hands me her glass. "Drink up! Don't worry, it's only soda water and lime!" She turns and leans back into Elliot.
I feel a hand on my waist pulling me back a step. Even without turning, I know it is Jose. There is a tangible static that only he and I share. "Ana, I am so sorry, please forgive me," he whispers. "I don't know what came over me."
Like I haven't heard that before...
I turn and stare, giving him my no-nonsense glare. He has the gall to look abashed. He takes my hand holding the glass and leans in. "C'mon, give me a chance." He rubs his nose against my ear and I smell the cloyingly sticky-sweet smell of his drink. "Finish your drink and I'll take you home if you want to leave now," he adds.
"No. I'm leaving with Kate and I think after the way you are behaving that you find another way to get home!" I slam the glass down on the bar top and storm away. Most of its contents splashed out and coated my hand. Good. I dare him to follow me. I make it back to my table and realize that I have nowhere to go. Nathan drove us, so I can either call Ray or call a cab. I don't want to face Ray like this. I dial for a cab.
Christian POV
I drive. I don't know where. Minutes tick by and the road signs blur as I pass. It's only around ten but the streets are oddly empty for a Friday night. I try but I can't efface the images of Anastasia from my thoughts. She literally drives me to distraction. A stop sign appears from nowhere, causing me to slam my brakes.
STOP. I stare at this sign. I laugh. Stop what? Stop running? Stop fooling myself that I can avoid Ana any longer? Stop denying that I am in love with her? I proceed and come across more traffic signs.
I pull into an empty lot. I pull out my phone and hit redial. I get her voicemail. "Elena, you have to help me." I don't want to ask her for help, especially with the way she has been with Anastasia, but I just can't ask Grace.
I shake my head and smile. I shift into reverse and head back down the street I came from. I know what I am going to do. What I must do.
I make it back to the bar and park the car. I bolt toward the door but the bouncer blocks my passage. He is the same one who witnessed Ana and I earlier. "Please let me in."
He nods his head, "No admittance," he says smugly. "Tell me why I should let you back in?"
I can't believe that I need to justify myself to this buffoon. I feel like hitting him or pushing him away but his next words stop me.
"Do you love her?" he asks softly. He looks around and there are stragglers waiting to get into the bar. "I watched you both earlier and I see how you looked at her. Personally, I think she may be too good for you, but meh, who am I to judge?" He uncrosses his arms and rubs his chin. 
Seriously? Must I prove myself to this man? Here goes nothing. "Yes, yes I do. It's about time that I show her." I am frantic and I am edging around him to see inside. Of course, it's too dark in the entrance to see anything. And she may have left already...
"Go in, but you better not hurt her again or you'll have me to answer to," he threatens. "It cut out my heart the way you left her here and just left! Jesus man, you deserve a punch in the face for that alone." He shook his head. "I don't know her, but I know that she doesn't deserve to be treated like that," he exclaims. He steps aside and points inside the doorway. "Make it count," was all I heard him say as I ran up the stairs.
I enter the main room. I see Ana standing alone to the side. Jose is nowhere to be found, and it is better that I don't know where he is at this moment. I am just so thankful that she is still here and is not with him. My green-eyed monster is mollified...
I close this vast expanse as she turns toward me. I am close enough to see the startle in her eyes. "Mine," I growl, before I latch on to both sides of her face and back step her toward the cloakroom. My lips seize hers and I smother her gasp as she surrenders herself to me. My lips linger on hers before I slowly pull my face away.
The first thing I sense is that the lips I have dreamed of kissing are soft like flower petals. I can't help myself so I lean back in and tenderly kiss the corner of her mouth. Her once body tense, relaxes in my grip.
The next thing I realize is that she is not fighting me or at least hitting me like she hit Jose earlier. Her eyes are closed and her lips are red plump cherries from my kisses. I take this as a good sign that I should continue. Our breaths tangle as I move one hand behind her neck and the other to her shoulder. I hear a stifled moan come from her lips. Her hands grip my arms and then slide up my chest, fisting the fabric of my shirt. I was anticipating her pushing me away but she instead pulled me closer.
All five senses are firing like electrons. I move to slowly run my nose along her collarbone up to the hollow behind her ear. Her scent is floral and ten times more potent when I am this close to her. The nearness I have in class is nothing to what I have now. I can almost taste the honey of her lips.
I close my eyes and leave a trail of kisses up to her eyes. I kiss each one and rest my forehead on hers. Her breaths are little pants and I chuckle to myself. If I could capture that sound forever I would. I hold her firmly and lower my head to her chest. I feel her heart pounding a frantic drum beat.
My hands let go and travel to her waist. This dainty dress does well to showcase her beautiful frame. I clench her waist and push her even closer to me. I feel the slide of her hands as they lead to my neck. She leans toward me and I can see that she wants to kiss me. Who am I to deny her any longer?
I swoop in again and claim her lips. The kisses get forceful and I am staking my claim. Mine.
"You came back," she mumbles between the kisses. I eat each word like they are sweet candies. Her tone is soft and awed. I taste the saltiness of the tears that escaped and trailed down her cheeks. I pull back and wipe them away.
"For you, yes, I did." Each word is a benediction. "I tried to leave you, but I can't. Not anymore." We both are silent and only hear our breaths and the sounds of the swing band. At Last. Fitting song, isn't it!
I take her arms and pull them tighter around me. We instinctively sway to the music.
At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over and life is like a song, oh yeah
At last the skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up clover the night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own

I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill I've never known, oh yeah
You smiled, you smiled oh and then the spell was cast

And here we are in Heaven
For you are mine at last...
Deep down I know the spell eventually had to break. We can't stop time and stay like this forever. She pulls her head off my chest and I think she is slightly bashful or embarrassed. Luckily no one could see our embrace in the cloakroom. She has nothing to be embarrassed about. She is exquisite like a rare flower.
"I have to leave," she whispers. I can't fool myself: time is a thief that must take her from me. "I called a cab and it should be here by now." She reluctantly pulls out of my embrace and leans up and kisses my cheek. "Thank you for coming back."
"The least I can do is walk you to your cab," I say, not wanting to let her go. She looked a little hesitant, but relented. "After you, Miss Steele."
I wait in the shadows while Ana goes to Kate to let her know she is leaving. So... Kate is the blonde with Elliot. That's an issue for another day...
We reach the door and pass that same bouncer. He smiles and gives me a wink. "All good?" he whispers so softly that I know Ana could not have possibly heard him. Outside the cab is waiting. I open the door for her. I lean into her as she is about to step into the cab, "Remember that it is you who is extraordinary."
I see the spark in her recognition of my words. Her eyes are wide and alert. I smile and lean in closer. "Sweet dreams." I gently close the door and tap it. The cab pulls away.
Smiling, I walk back inside to find Elliot. Before I can reach him, I hear a familiar voice. I am surprised at the stern tone, "Hello Christian."
I swivel around. "John – "
A/N: I wanted to write so much more, but I didn't want the kiss scene to get swallowed up by other events. Besides, I can make another chapter out of it. I have essentially stopped following the original (if anyone is comparing each chapter) and am writing solely what is either bouncing around in my head or is on my Bristol board of planned storyline!
Here is At Last, By Glenn Miller and later an Etta James version.
*Go 2:30 minutes in. *
Etta James remake

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