Chapter 6

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CH 6
Christian POV
I am in the epicentre of chaos.
All around me is foggy. I stand in the centre of a large room. People move so quickly that they blur—as if causing a wake of broken seas behind them. All I see is this sepia world as if all are captured on camera a moment too late.
The walls are veined tan and white marble and the stone archways rise to several feet tall. The carved keystones depict Roman mythological beasts; some looking replete, and others looking ferocious and ready to strike.
The room is devoid of sound. There is a bustle of people, likened to the frenzy of atoms. This is inconsistent with this atmosphere.
Where am I? A museum? I glance down and the tile beneath me is the same streaked marble as the walls and it throws my reflection back at me.
A streak of colour like the smattering of red saffron on a painter's palette catches my eye. It too, is impervious to this otherwise atomic frenzy. The image gasps, and I can hear this as it is the only sound tangible in this sepia-toned bleakness. Red turns and flees.
I attempt pursuit but my heavy and sluggish legs are not responding. I reach my hand out—a futile attempt like clutching air.
Red is elusive and once again slips into the masterpiece...

I wake up startled. My heart is pounding and there is a bead of sweat on my brow.

I arrive to class with barely a minute to spare.
No Mr. Grey today, I realise and feel a strange disappointment.  Yesterday I survived his assignment sparring and I wonder if there is another teacher who can challenge me the same way Mr. Grey had. Today is going to be painfully slow, I just know it.
The classes did drag on and it wasn't until lunchtime that I felt awake. "You said your name was Anastasia right?" a girl with beautiful strawberry blond hair caught my attention.
I nod, "Uh yeah. But you can call me Ana."
"I'm Kate. Do you already have others you sit with at lunch?"
"No, not yet. My first day was yesterday."
Kate smiled and motioned for me to follow her, "That's great; you can sit at our table. How do you like it here so far?"
"It's okay so far," I murmured.
"It's pretty bad around here," Kate chuckled, "Half the students are morons."
We head down the halls to where everyone eats their lunch. "We usually sit by the vending machines," Kate pointed. "Oh, Jose is already there. You'll love him; he's a total sweetheart—"
I look over and saw Jose waving so I slowly wave back. "He gave me a brief tour on my first day."
Kate tilted her head, "Wait, yesterday right? Hmm... that's why he's been so cheerful!" Before I could respond Kate switched gears and said, "I'm going to grab a slice of pizza, do you want to come with and get something too, or just meet me at the table?"
"I'll meet you at the table." I hadn't thought to bring money. But it wasn't like I ever really ate at school much anyway...
"Okay, I'll only be a few minutes."
I nod and head toward the table where Jose sat. "Ana," he greeted me with a big smile. "Here, sit down." He moved the backpack he had on the space next to him. "How's your day going?"
I take the seat. "It's been good. How's yours?"
"It's great—especially now. I didn't think we'd have both lunches together." He picked at the fries on his tray and took a bite. "Aren't you going to eat?"
"I'm not really hungry."
"Here," he smiled, pushing his tray between us, "We can share my lunch, I never finish it."
"I'm fine, really. But thanks."
"Did you have a big breakfast?" he asked, trying for a conversation.
"Uh... I actually didn't have time to eat this morning—"
"Oh jeez, no wonder you're so thin," he teased. "You're wasting away!"

"I do," I flushed. I didn't want to seem like a person who starved herself. "I'm just not a fan of food." This is like that crazy cafeteria scene in Twilight...
Jose didn't seem convinced and reached into his pocket to pull out a crumbled dollar bill. "They have granola bars and stuff in the vending machines; I'll go buy you one if you like."
"No, no. I'm fine, seriously."
"—or chips. I think they have cookies too. The lines over there have salads—"
"Jose, I'm not hungry," I snap. I feel bad about being so brusque, but he's being pushy. Just drop it...
He scratched the back of his head, "I just feel bad eating when you haven't had anything."
I bite my lip, trying to find a good excuse to say no. I look away from him for a second and my eyes land on fierce grey eyes. There he was, across the room, looking straight at me.
I quickly snap my head around and wish I was anywhere but here. "Actually, I think I'll get a granola bar after all."
X x X
Christian POV
I always bring my own lunch but with that cryptic dream I had, it shook me so much that I forgot to make one. I planned to go out to the nearby restaurants and buy something to go, but instead I decided to make my way to the lunch room. Some students had mentioned selling subs and pizzas to raise money for their sports team.
"I'll have turkey." While the student reached back to grab the sub, my eyes wander over the cafeteria. There were so many students milling about, but I manage to instantly see only one.
Big blue eyes stared back at me before quickly turning away.
"Two dollars, Mr. Grey," the student said, bringing me back.
"Right," I hand him the money and glanced back to where the blue eyes had been, but now they were gone.
I could use something to drink. I walk in the direction of the vending machines. Before I reached them I spot Ana, trying to shove a crumbled dollar into the bill slot.
"Oh god," she whispered, pounding the glass face. "Damn, damn, damn him."
Who was she talking about? I glance back to the table she had been in before and frowned. Jose was sitting there, and another girl was just about to take the seat in front of him.
"Is something the matter Miss Steele?" I ask before I could help myself.
Ana spun around her eyes were even wider than before. "What? Oh. No. I'm fine." Her cheeks turned a light pink and she turned back to try and insert the dollar again.
"It's too crumbled up," I murmur as I pull a dollar out from my pocket. "Try this one."
Ana looked hesitant. "No, thank you. I think I'm just going to head back—"
I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "It's no bother. Just please take the dollar. Buy whatever it is you wanted to buy."
Ana shook her head, "Jose was the one who suggested I buy something here, since I haven't eaten anything, but I'm really not hungry. Thanks anyway." She turned around and quickly walked away, decisively ending this conversation.
I resisted the urge to stop her. My fingers itch to pull her back. Did she say she hadn't eaten anything? It shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but I think it's better not to dwell upon it.
With a quiet sigh, I see the code on the screen. I put in a dollar and hear something drop with a small thud. I bend over and reach in to grab the snack that Ana was going to buy.
It was a small granola bar—not enough to be considered lunch, but it was something at least.
I head back and spot Ana sitting at her table again sitting by Rodriguez. She was fidgeting and keeping her head tipped down.
I did something I never expected to do: I walked between the tables and made my way to hers.
The girl in sitting in front of Jose looked startled. "Eat something," I grumble, and drop the sub and granola bar in front of Ana.
I turn and walk away. If she can cut a conversation to the quick, then so can I... I was sure if I stayed any longer; I'd push Jose aside and sit by Ana to make sure she finished at least half of that sub.
I exited, my back rigid all the back to my office.
Ana is doing something odd to me.

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