Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I wake to the sound of a soft rap on my bedroom door. I lean and peer over to my side table and see that the clock reads almost 8pm. Confused, I see that I still have my shoes and coat on. I shuck my jacket and toe my shoes off and they fall haphazardly to the floor.

More rapping on the door continues. "Ana, are you awake?"

I jump out of bed and turn the light on. I look in the mirror and take stock of my appearance. Ugh... My ponytail is askew and my eyes and face are puffy. I jump back over to the bed and lean against the wall. "Come in, Ray."

Ray nudges to door softly and appears with a tray of food. Ray was cooking? He sets the tray down on the edge of my bed and pulls a chair from the corner and takes a seat. He looks worried, but that is hidden by his quick frown. He eyes the tray and knows it was his best attempt at cooking. "Are you okay, Ana?"

"Fine Ray, I'm just a little tired, I guess." I can't talk to Ray about this. He won't understand. I try for proactive distraction. "What is that Ray?" I ask, nodding to the covered tray.

"I know I'm no great chef, but it's supposed to be your supper," he smiles and lifts the cover. "Voila! Spaghetti with tinned tomato sauce, and of course your favourite tea." He tosses a napkin and a fork over to me. "I was worried that you didn't show for supper and that you were out. You never miss mealtime. But your book bag is downstairs at the doorway so I figured you were here."

"Yeah, rough day today," I say and I know he is concerned but he never has the words to offer for comfort. Loquacious, he is not. I poke the pasty mass around with my fork and try mixing in the sauce but it was a lost cause. I catch Ray's eyes and smile. "Guess I'll try the tea."

Ray mumbles his apologies and takes the plate and sets it back on the tray. I hold the steaming hot tea with both hands and raise it to my lips. I inhale the minty wafts swirling above the rim. I begin to relax and sink closer to the wall. "I can bring you toast instead."

"No, that's ok, I'm fine." I stare into his eyes and I know he wants to talk about so much more and that is why I love him so much; he won't force conversations that I am not ready to have.

Ray stands and quietly makes his way to the door. He turns and pauses, his plat palm lightly gripping the door jamb. He gives me a lingering glance and it is obvious that he wants to stay longer and talk. He gives me his million dollar smile which is not quite reaching his eyes. I sink my head downward to face my tea. This conversation is closed for now; but he knows that one day I will share more with him.

Ray's footsteps fade as he makes his way downstairs. I set the now empty teacup on the bedside table and curl back into my pillow. Fat tears roll out and my lungs thrust all oxygen it once contained. I feel sucker-punched. Christian didn't show...

Christian POV

There is buzzing and the sound of beeps and shuffling around me. I am hearing more and more as I wake. The buzzing turn s into whispers as I waken to the sounds around me. I feel pain and the heaviness of the blankets and the pulling of tape. I feel something soft and warm in my hand. I give a gentle squeeze.

"Christian!" The voice could only be Mia's. "I'm so glad you're awake!"

"Hi Brat," I mumble. She holds my hand tighter and adds her other one as she leans her head over it. She kisses my hand and pulls away as mom comes over to take her place.

I slowly open my eyes expecting it to be bright, but the early evening's last light is soft among the clouds. I'm glad too because the throbbing headache I have would not tolerate light right now. I fight to focus sight through this headache. In my room I see Mia, mom, dad, and Elliot. "How long have I been here?"

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