Chapter 4

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Ch 4
Christian POV
I like this job; it was simple and pays well enough to get through. I don't exactly need the money as my parents come from wealth, but I do like earning for myself. I was already saving up money for an idea for a start-up company. Elena—of course—had offered to help, but I don't want to be beholden to her. She'd done enough for me over the years.
Jack had finished reading and that was my cue to continue, "Very good." Jack had great potential as a writer, but now it was time to see what kind of writing potential the bookish Miss Steele has. "Anastasia, it's your turn to read next, please."
I watched as she picked up her paper with delicate hands and brought it close to her face. I didn't know whether or not she was trying to hide her expression behind the paper but I can clearly see it. I did my best to hold back a smile.
"I um... I chose the first prompt," she said softly.
"Speak up Anastasia, we can't hear you," I said, although I could hear her just fine.
She cleared her throat and raised her chin up higher, "I chose the first prompt," she repeated, her voice gathering strength, "About the extraordinary."
"Go on."
"I like to think anything can be extraordinary," she began, "but then, wouldn't that make it just like the others? The definition of extraordinary is defined in its name; it means something that is well above than just so. Extraordinary is bringing an extra something—a certain je ne c'est quoi—to make it different, it's something unique—"
"What do you find extraordinary Anastasia?" I ask. I was surprised with my compulsive need to interrupt her for an answer. I could not pull my eyes from her.
She looked back; her blue eyes showing unease.
"Well?" You have indeed intrigued me, let's see if you can defend and justify this work piece sample...
She shrugged, "Isn't that the great thing about life? We still have plenty of time to search for something that catches our attention. Even if life as a kid isn't the best, you can keep going, and then one day—if you're really lucky— you'll look at something new and it'll show you why you've been trying so hard this entire time. It's all about perspective and circumstance—what is standard to others can seem extraordinary to you. I guess you can say that I'm still searching for that."
She'd never seen anything that really struck her as extraordinary? And what did she mean by not the best life as a kid; what in the Hell happened to her? She can't have seen this much pain this early into her life. I nod at her and run my hand through my hair. This work she presented was simplistic in all expression, but her words expressed sincerity and rang brutal truths. Although there were hints of pain in every word, there were flecks of hope in them as well. This work is an incredible body of duality. "Well done, Anastasia, thank you."
I turned away from her but not before catching the sigh of relief from her.
"Now that we're finished with the warm-ups, let's start with the real book. Pull out your books and open up to the story we started last class. Anastasia, the page is up on the board."
X x X
"Mr. Grey!" A voice snapped me from my concentration.
"Yes Lily?" I looked up from the papers I was grading.
"Can you please help us with this question?" she pouted.
Lily could be a handful sometimes, but I was sure she knew how to do the work. She always made excuses for me come over to help.
"Ask your partner, Lily; it isn't rocket science."
"She doesn't get it either," she whined.
Sighing, I put my papers down. "Alright, come here." I didn't miss the smirk she gave the girls behind her. "What don't you understand?"
She leaned over my desk, pushing her paper in front of me, "I can't find these answers in the book," she said softly, batting her eyelashes.
"That's because you actually have to think," I snapped. "Read over the last pages again; try to figure out what the author is trying to show you. How did the characters mature or change? It's simple Lily, just read carefully."
With a frown, Lily nodded, "Fine." Did she actually just stamp her foot like a recalcitrant child? She stomped back to her desk, clearly unhappy with my response. When was she going to stop trying to get my attention? I thought she'd be done with this by now—in all honesty I was getting really sick of it. I was never really attracted to redheads before, but I certainly have distaste for ones now.

X  x  X
From across the room, I overheard Anastasia giggle softly. I don't know how I was able to extract this one sound from the entire din in the room. I look over to see her desk and Jack's pushed together.
I scowled, angry that my green-eyed monster resurfaced. Didn't she have enough with Rodriguez? Did she really need Hyde too? Couldn't she find a bloody seat next to a nice and polite girl instead of that troublemaker Jack?
I swept around the class, looking for any possible seats for Anastasia, but they were all taken. I was never one to make seating charts. I opted instead to let students to self-nurture in their studies. But maybe I should start...
Jack wasn't the type of guy Anastasia should be around. She looked like she was nice girl who did her work and- either is late to class, or skips it completely...And do not forget, surrounds herself with boys. My over anxious mind reminds me...
I scolded myself. I certainly didn't know Anastasia enough to know if this was true or not. I could try to find out, but why would I want that? No, I always believed there was a fine line between helping his students academically and intruding into their personal life.
I knew teachers who tried to help their students on a personal level, but that didn't appeal to me. Not until now. I know some have slipped from that slippery slope and have paid dearly for their missteps...
I dropped my head and went back to grading. My concentration was lost since her giggle. Now all focus I have is on her conversation with Hyde. I was lost to her and instead of doing marking I was irritated by the fact that I couldn't join in. Irrational resentment is settling in...
"Anastasia," I call out loudly before I could stop myself. (There's that compulsion again...) I look over and see her looking back with wide blue eyes. In fact, mostly everyone was looking my way now. "I let you partner up so you'd do your work together, not so you could socialize." I know my hold on this anger was tenuous.
Jack smiled back at me and it made me even angrier. Jack's smile was never sincere; there was always something more sinister and dubious behind it. His smile never met his eyes. His was the only smile I knew that was more like a sneer. And of course Jack ass would be smiling; he was able to carry on a conversation with Anastasia. This is the same smile he offers Ana. She needs to use caution... "We finished our work Mr. G," and held up the piece of paper that was between them.
They finished that fast? Hyde must have done all the work, rushing through everything just so they'd be able to talk more. "Bring it up, both of you."
Anastasia glanced at Jack with a questioning look. He only shrugged and stood up to approach my desk. Anastasia trailed behind.
Hyde passed me the paper, and I was surprised to see it penned in two different handwritings. They'd both completed it together, but somehow that didn't make me feel any better. I scanned over the answers, secretly hoping to find any mistake in the messier writing that was recognizably Jacks.
No such luck, everything was perfect. "Good job," I conceded defeat. "But Anastasia, since you're done with today's work, why don't I help you with your missing assignments now since there is time?" I have to intercede on her behalf...if only to protect her...
She nodded, "Uh, sure. Let me go get them."
Jack rolled his eyes and headed back to his desk. I knew it wasn't appropriate but it still made me want to smirk. Match point goes to Grey...
Anastasia hurried to her desk and came back with the stack of papers.
"Come here, pull that chair over," I pointed to a single chair other side of my desk. She obeyed my instruction and sat down, but with a good distance between us. I tried not to be offended.
I began to explain in detail the work she needed to do. Most of it was self explanatory, but I want to make sure she understood it. At least that's what I told myself. I was only doing my job as a teacher. That's what teacher's do, isn't it?

Author's note: I know Christian seems all over the place, but he is fighting dual emotions of what he knows is right versus how he can control these new feelings which he currently doesn't understand... He knows Hyde is a danger and he can't understand the intense feelings of protection that Ana needs...

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