Chapter 7

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Kate looked up at me, her eyes as wide as saucers. "Did Mr. Grey just buy you lunch?"
Jose softened, "Kate, stop."
I bite my lip, not knowing how to respond, was that what teachers in this school did? What is it with the people here taking my choices away? Jose presses me to get something, Mr. Grey too—and now he comes and unceremoniously dumps food at my feet. I try to control my embarrassment and hope it prevents my face from getting even redder. "I uh—"
"Don't listen to her. Kate is a journalist at heart, and she likes to spice things up by making them sound more than they are—"
Kate interrupted, "Oh no," she said while fanning her face with her hand. "If I add anymore spice to a story that includes Mr. Grey, then I'm going to need much more than just this water bottle to cool off."
Jose rolled his eyes, "And she's a bit of a drama queen too."
"I see," I attempt to laugh it off, but I was not the least bit convincing. "It's just a sandwich. He must be under the impression that I'm some waif or something."
Kate shook her head, "Mr. Grey could care less about his students. He's all do your work and don't irritate me. He is one fine piece of ass but—"
"Kate," Jose scowled.
Kate raised her hands in supplication, "Sorry, what I meant was that Mr. Grey is fairly attractive, but he does miss one thing—and that's a nice personality. He was such a big pain that I quickly transferred out of his class. I think there's still room, if you want to go talk to your counselor now."
"Kate is still mad at him for giving her a C on her essay," Jose explained.
"I still argue that it was A-plus material," Kate declared, pointing her well manicured finger at Jose. "Grey is just bitter about ... actually I'm still working on figuring out why someone like him can be so moody."
"Maybe it's because the girls swoon all over him, and he's getting sick of it," Jose shrugged.
I try not to feel affected by that. He had given me a sandwich and a granola bar, but I wasn't surely swooning over him. Although he is handsome I am years younger than him—and way out of his league. I shouldn't even be thinking about these things.
"Are you still planning on eating that?" Kate asked, eyeing my sandwich.
"I'm really not that hungry," I pick up the granola bar, tear off the wrapper and begin to break the bar into little bite sized chunks.
"I'll take that off your hands," hands reach from behind me and grab at the sub. I relent and let it go before it could get squished. "Scoot over Rodriguez," the same voice orders, squeezing in between the small space beside me.
"Jack," Kate sighed. "What do you want?"

"I came to sit with my friend," he replied coldly, as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.
I stiffened. He was way too close for my liking "Um..."
"Go away Hyde," Jose grunted. There was so much bitterness in his expression that I wondered why he was affected by this.
Jack had already made himself comfortable with his backpack on the table and his head leaning against me. "Kate, unwrap the sandwich for me will you."

"You wish," she scoffed. She began to eat her lunch, ignoring Jack completely. "So Ana, made any nice friends beside me and Jose?"
"You're looking at him, doll face," he said to Kate while he removes the wrap from his ill-gotten gain.
I purse my lips and wish that I'd just have taken the damn thing. Mr. Grey had bought it for me, not for some guy could swoop in and take it for himself.
"Jack is nice," I placate. Well he is when he's not taking my lunch.
Jack declared smugly, "See?"
"You're just took her lunch—" Kate scolded, "—without asking."
"She wasn't going to eat it," Jack argued. "But—whatever; I'll make it up to you Ana. How about I take you out to eat—my treat—tomorrow after school?"
Like a date? He wouldn't have asked so casually if it was. "I'm not sure... Kate what are you doing after school tomorrow? Maybe it would be fun if we all go together," I then turn to Jose for an answer too, but he was glaring at his lunch.
Jack shook his head, "I meant only for us to go together, just you and I. You know, so we can get to know each other better..."
Kate laughed, "Jack, she isn't like your usual girls, besides don't you think Elizabeth will get mad if you're taking another girl out on a date." She looked at me and stage whispered, "Elizabeth is his girlfriend. Jack here doesn't have the best reputation."
I look at Jack and remove his arm from my shoulders.
"Elizabeth and I are long over. Honestly."
Yeah, right... I don't really believe him but I don't care enough to respond to it.
"Shut up," Jack laughed. "Sure I've had a few girlfriends but I don't think you calling me a ladies' man is really an insult."
I quietly began to eat the granola bar and avoided their bickering.
"So what do you say Ana," he urges, "You and me after school tomorrow?"
I try to answer him, but with a mouth full of granola I end up just staring at him.
"Great," Jack smiled, obviously not caring what my answer would be, or maybe too self confident that he assumed I'd say yes. "I'll see you then." With a wink and quick kiss on my cheek Jack smiled his vainglorious smile. He stood up to leave and took the sandwich that had been meant for me.
"She didn't say yes, asshole," Jose shouted after him, but Jack didn't seem to hear.
"Don't tell me you actually want to go out with him," Kate frowned.
I struggle to swallow the food in my mouth and cough. "I didn't say anything!"
"I'll clear things up with him," Jose assures me, "I have class with him tomorrow morning."
"Unless, you do want to go..." Kate added, with a look of pure hesitation on her face.
I took another small nibble of my granola bar. I could go with him. It wasn't like I had anywhere better to go. "Um... guys, I think I'll just let him know myself."
"If you want to go out somewhere, Kate and I can always take you," Jose pleaded, trying to be nonchalant. "You don't have to resort to creeps like Hyde," he said, only half teasing.
"I'll keep that in mind," I laughed softly. I'll hope for diplomacy...
The rest of the lunch was spent with just the three of us talking about silly things. Kate and I have more things in common than I would have guessed, so when she offered to walk me to my next class, I happily agreed. It felt good that I was beginning to make friends; it is about time I start to make things normal.
The bell rang and everyone walked slowly away from the lunch room, but Kate pulled me along quickly. "The key is to walk fast and before the halls get too crowded."
I nod, remembering how I had been late the day before.
"You said your class was upstairs right?" Kate pulled me into one of the downstairs halls. "Not a lot of people use the stairs in this building. It'll be quicker this way."
We walked through the halls and were in front of my next class in no time.
"See? With minutes to spare," Kate smiled.
"Yeah, thanks. Even the teacher isn't here."
Kate waved me off, "Should have known you had Mrs. Garcia now. She's probably running across the parking lot now. She's a nice teacher, always late though since she goes out for lunch. Next time you can walk me to my class to waste time, but I'll see you 'till then. Bye," she gave me a quick hug and turned to rush to her class.
I try to keep my eyes from looking down the hall. I know his class is down this way. I wonder what he would say the next time I saw him.
"Anastasia, what a surprise, you're early to a class," a voice said, startling me.
I didn't have to look in the direction of the voice to know it was him.
"Oh. Mr. Grey," I stutter. "I -"
He was standing by a door where I assumed was the faculty break room. "Maybe you could take the same efforts to make it to my class on time as well. I'm sure it won't discommode you."
Really, one time. One time I was late.
"Maybe I'll make it my goal," I reply, not really thinking. "Thanks for the sandwich by the way," I add.
Mr. Grey admonishes, "It's not healthy to skip meals Anastasia."
"There may be something about it not being healthy to be scolded by intimidating English teachers, but I'm not sure," I mumble into my chest.
"I'll look into that," he responded with a ghost of a smile.
I smiled back. I was surprised that he was not offended by my capricious behaviour. Did I just flirt with him?
He seemed to get himself together again and cleared his throat, "I'll see you tomorrow then. You might want to bring some of the work I gave you so I can start grading what you have ready."
Without another word, Mr. Grey began to walk down to his room, leaving me with a stomach full of butterflies.
Flirting with your intimidating English teacher is definitely not healthy.
X x X
Christian POV
I hurried back to my classroom, trying not to look back.
It seemed that her face brightened up with just a small smile. How could she possibly be having a rough time like Flynn had warned me? Was that why Ana didn't want to eat at lunch? It bugs me that I know nothing about Ana. No, what really bugs me is that I care so much.
She is just another student; not something I should dwell on.
When I reached my class, I saw another group of girls all waiting for the door to open. Once they noticed me, they all stood a little taller and put on their best smiles. None were as real or as bright as Ana's.
I wanted to slap myself; I really have to stop thinking things like that. I run a hand through my hair and reach for my keys in my pocket. It took a while to get the door unlocked, but I hastened when the girls inched closer from impatience.
It wasn't until I made my way to my desk that I noticed a text message.
Lunch later tomorrow? Let me know.
It was from Elena, and even though the idea doesn't appeal to me, I literally cannot say no. It is usually just easier to abide by her wishes. I sigh and send a message asking where and when to meet just in time before the second bell rings.
A/N: Seriously, where is Ana's head? She's all over the place. I guess we can't placate everyone!

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