Chapter 5

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Once everything was explained, I went back to my desk. I didn't know why Mr. Grey had to be so detailed with all the work, but maybe he was just a perfectionist. That seems fitting.
"Bell's about to ring," Jack grinned.
I glanced at the clock over the board and nodded. "We get out so much sooner than we did in my last school."
Jack leaned closer, "Oh yeah, what time did you get out in your last school?"
"Three." Here, we were already going to leave and it was only twenty minutes after one.
Jack raised an eyebrow, "Where exactly did you move from?"
"Out of state," I hedged. I didn't exactly want to remember where I was from. Crap, crap, crap...I should have not gone here...
"Why'd you move so far?" Jack tilted his head, curiously.
"I wanted to move back with my dad." Why all the questions?
"I would have thought staying with mom would be more ideal." Jack commented quietly. "You know, because they're usually great cooks and all."
I closed my eyes. My mom was not the usual mom. Moms usually put their kids over everything else, but when she met husband number three, mom was not the ideal person to live with. I tried to put those memories aside; I came here to get away from that.
"I take it your mom isn't a great cook," he smiled teasingly.
I forced a smile. "No, my mom isn't exactly ...great at much anymore." I mumbled so softly that I don't believe that he heard it all. Hopefully... I need to be vague enough so that he doesn't ask more invasive questions. He just nodded and smiled. This smile is a little unnerving...
With that painful conversation done, we sat for a few awkward minutes until the bell rang. Everyone gathered their things and rushed out the door. Jack and I took a little longer since we had to put the desks back where they were. "We should hang out some time, maybe at lunch tomorrow?"
"Uh...sure. Why not?" I made the attempt at blasé, but hoped that it did not stir his interest even more than it already seemed. I turn to gather my book bag when I see Mr. Grey looking quizzically at me. Quizzically or perturbed...
"Cool, I'll see you then."
We were already walking toward the door, when we almost bumped into someone in the doorway. I recognized him at once. I know him from the counselor's office. He was assigned to help me with course selections when I arrived. He was a soft-spoken Englishman who had an incredibly calm manner about him. It was easy for me to be relaxed around him as he had the most disarming presence.
"Oh, Ana! How was your first day?" He stopped a good distance away from me and smiled warmly.
I didn't think he'd recognize me since we only had one appointment together and that he must assist hundreds of students here. How would he even remember my name? He even calls me Ana... "Mr. Flynn," I return his smile, "It was fine, thank you."
"That's great. We'll talk soon." He headed toward the head of the class. "Have a nice day," he stated, the words softly trailing behind him.
Jack raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything about this exchange. Once we were out in the hall he started to leave, "See you later, Ana."
"Bye," I waved, going the opposite direction. Coming my way was Jose, smiling and waving. I had almost forgotten about our walk.
X x X

Christian POV
I was at my desk when Flynn walked in, "Christian," he greeted softy, "I see you're Ana's new English teacher."
I look up to give him my patented blank expression, the one that I typically reserve for my students.  "You're the girl's counselor?" Flynn nodded, and I continued, "Then why act surprised? You gave her the classes didn't you?"
Flynn quickly looked back at the open door to the classroom, "Yes. That's why I came to talk to you, actually."
Sighing, I lowered my papers and paused. "What is it?" What is this really about?
"Anastasia Steele just moved here," Flynn began.
"I think I caught on to that already." Where is he going with this?
Flynn lowered his eyes at me, "Let me finish, Christian."
I waved him on as his hesitance is starting to concern me—especially since it involves Anastasia. I can't show my interest in Anastasia...
"She's new. I had to pull a few strings, because I know she's a good girl," Flynn seemed to wait for my reaction, but when it was clear I wasn't going to give him one he continued. "She's a little behind, but I gave her advanced classes because of that—"
"If she's behind, she shouldn't be in my class John," I said, becoming confused now.
"I had to hold her back a year—"
"You aren't making sense." I turned back to my papers. John would have a great poker face if he ever played serious cards. He is not one to show his hand—usually.
"Just listen. She missed a year of school," Flynn said quickly. "Her junior year, she had problems at home—"
"What kind of problems?" I blurted out. I frowned, knowing that this is not my business. "I mean- what problems could be big enough to allow your child to miss an entire year of school?"
Flynn shook his head, "That's irrelevant—" I want to push for more details, but decided against it. Flynn couldn't tell me anyway; it was Anastasia's personal issues—not gossip— that could be shared with just anyone. I know that everything Ana told him was confidential. "But I do want to ask you a favour," he said. "I know you can be a bit tough with your students and although I know Ana could take it, I think it'd be best if you taper your usual teaching methods."
My face dropped, but then I quickly recovered, "I- John, are you asking me to be unfair with my students?"
"I'm asking you as her counselor not to add anymore stress to Ana's life. As a friend, I'm asking you to please just trust me. I know she truly doesn't need any more of it."
John quietly left the room, leaving me wondering what the Hell is happening

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