Chapter 23

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CH 23


"If it's no bother, then I would really appreciate a lift home or to the bus terminal so I can get home from there," I say as I fish my phone from my pocket.

"Don't be silly, Ana," Mia says as she collects her things. "It's only right that I get you home okay." She walks over to Grace and starts her goodbyes.

"I need to call Ra— my dad," I say as I point my phone toward the hallway. I head out to find a quiet spot among the beeps and hum of the electrical throughout the hospital. The visitor's lounge proved quieter earlier so I head back that way.

I power my phone on and call Ray.

"Annie? I was worried. You're normally home from school by now!"

"Sorry Dad, I should have called you. I'm at the hospital"—and before I catch what I said too late Ray started to go into protective dad mode. "Whoa! Dad, I'm only visiting a friend!" I rattle the words out so quickly so that he calms down.

"Annie, you're gonna give an old man a heart attack!" he says. Ray is generally subdued, but I notice when it comes to me I can see his emotions more clearly.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm heading home in a bit. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay." I see Mia coming down the hall toward me. "Did you need anything while I'm out?" I try for reassurance with a normal conversation after the long day that this has been.

I hang up with Ray as Mia stood patiently. She had her book bag on her shoulder and her little Hello Kitty plush purse gripped between her fingers. The thought dawns to me and I think about how long she has had to deal with Christian's accident. I have only just found out, but for her family this must be the third day of the emotional rollercoaster. The highs and lows and the twists and turns. This ultimate ride that no one ever wants to be on.

We head toward the elevators and as we near Christian's room Grace appears at the entrance. She is a classically beautiful woman whose features are diluted with stress and concern over her son. "Are you sure you need to leave?" she says. "It is a great comfort for me having everyone here with him."


I am about to answer Grace when we hear Christian speak. I turn my head and witness him first hand calling out to me like Mia said. I am welling up with joy and my feet break free and head toward him before I can register that I am moving. As I get closer I see that his eyes are still closed but his eyelids are fluttering. The machines recording his vitals are increasing and beeping.

I feel, rather than see, Mia and Grace come up silently beside me. Grace takes his hand and kisses it. "Sweetheart? Are you coming back with us again?" she says softly.

It's in those simple words that I see her deep love for Christian. I am in awe of this affection. Times when I fall into the trap of remembering all the crappy times with my mother and Steve, I always have Ray and his quiet, but strong love for me.

"Christian, we're here. Mom, me, and Ana's here too." Mia is smiling and trying hard not to lose her composure. Mia takes my hand and pulls me even closer to the bed.

Christian's eyes slowly open. The room is dim and I know that it would be a bad idea to brighten the room. "Mom?" He pushes up to lean forward and Grace grabbed the bed controls to lift his back. Mia tugs the pillow and as Christian leans a bit forward, fluffs it, and puts it back behind him. His eyes are squinting and he looks around until he finds mine.

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