Chapter 27

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A/N: As always start with an apology! Real life steps in and kicks me in the ass. I had a minor car accident and totalled my Altima. (I miss that car!)

This chapter may have a trigger alert. This is where the story took itself... Just say'n'.

Also as always, I appreciate the likes and follows. *hearts and flowers!*


Chapter 27

A small black Honda sits outside of a trendy café. The occupant sneers as he watches the two young women sitting at the window seat chatting and drinking coffee. His interest is perked when a man joins them. The occupant scans his phone to avoid boredom. This is not his usual afternoon activity, but needs must and all that. A flash of movement catches his eye when their visitor flees the shop and heads to his car.

The occupant presses his speed dial...


Christian POV

"Enjoy your soup, Mr. Grey," Savana says as she grabs her tray and heads to the door. I smile and smirk at her as she disappears. She and I have this little joke as soup is pretty much all I can have. But our brief but daily interactions never fail to make me smile.

If my days are correct it must be Wednesday. If I were not trapped helpless in this bed I would have been in class with Anastasia. That would have been a highlight of my day. But here time passes so differently.

I had time to really think about my relationship with Ana (if I can really call it that now) and all the events which brought me here. I also had a lot of time to think about Grace and the secrets I told her. I really have to give props to Grace as she placed no judgement on my behaviour. In the span of a day or so she discovered I am in love with my student and that I had a long-running affair with Elena. I don't think many moms can handle this without some emotional and mental freak-out.

Savana advised earlier that she will be around after supper for my sponge bath. I so desperately need one, but I am not sure I want to be touched. Nothing personal, of course, but I know that any other man would jump at the chance to get sponge bathed by a pretty nurse. My head constantly aches and things are getting fuzzy. I am anxious and I just need to get out.

I feel like I am trapped in my skin and I can't breathe.


"See, a phone call did the trick!" I say to a newly rejuvenated Kate. With Elliot's departure and his promise to call her later was a balm to her despair.

"I appreciate this Ana. If you hadn't take action, I would have probably stewed and over-indulged in chocolate and ice cream," she laughs. "My issue seems so little now that it seems fixed. But what can we do about you and Christian?"

"Kate, I really don't know. I mean, I think I do, but I don't have the words ready. I can't face him yet." My latté is no longer hot and I can drink it with ease. Kate's relief is palpable and I can feel the happiness around it. You can almost touch it.

"I think it is time you stop your pity party right now, young lady," Kate uses her mock librarian voice. She gently takes my hand and lightly caresses it with her thumb. "I'd say you don't know because you left him without explanations. You girl – are in limbo and cannot move forward until you get what you need."

"Okay, I'll go see him." Kate rolls her eyes at my bravado. She knows I agreed to quickly.

"No cheater, we'll both go see him. Sooners rather than laters."

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