Chapter 25

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A/N: My apologies for the late submission. I enjoyed my first real vacation in three years! Also, thanks to the readers who 'poked' me to get back to writing. (Maria and Abbybaby) LOL

Chapter 25


"There you are!" Kate exclaimed. She barged into my class and tossed her bag on my desk. "I thought that I would hear from you sooner than later!" She opens her phone and reads 'Too late to talk. See you tomorrow.' She looks at the faces turned toward her and then she glares. "What the hell is up with that?"

"Sorry, Kate—" I really didn't have an excuse. To be honest, I had no idea what to say to her. I looked around at the startled faces in the room. Many quickly lost interest of Kate's interruption and went back to their business. I knew this morning that I could not avoid her forever—let alone at school today, but it was worth a try.

"José and I were really worried. You just bolted without saying a word." She took the empty seat next to me. "What is going on? Please tell me."

I was about to respond before a loud ahem silenced the classroom.

"Everyone, class is about to begin," a teacher I didn't recognize called as she entered the room. Kate jumped up and grabbed her bag.

"Tell me at lunch," she hissed. Kate was a mixture of anger and hurt, but I couldn't tell which was more predominant. The door closes as Kate exits and the teacher turns back to the class.

"I am here to tell you all that there will be no class with Mr. Gray for the unforeseeable future. I do not have all the details, but I have been instructed to tell you that he was involved in a car accident. So I will be your interim substitute teacher." She takes the marker from the whiteboard and writes her name. "I am Ms. Greene."

The class erupted in a sea of cries. Many were dumbfounded and many of the girls cried. Hearing it from another person didn't lessen my pain of already knowing it happened. I glance over to Lily and I see tears forming and someone hugging her. I am glad no one is looking at me. They would see that there is neither shock nor confusion on my face. That I already know.

Amid all this commotion I failed to see Jack enter the classroom until he leaned over and breathed in my ear. "Fancy seeing you here," he whispers. His nose butts my ear and I swear he kissed me.

Chills run to my neck but it is not from pleasure. That voice is so familiar, especially since I am not looking at the speaker. Why is this so familiar...

"You too, Jack. Why wouldn't I be here? It's Wednesday. We have class together." Confusion broils with frustration. I have not seen much of him since the pathetic date we had a week before. (It was only a week ago? Wow...)

"Oh, you know why. Just hedged my bets that you would not show today are all."

His encrypted remarks did nothing to quell my patience. "Well surprise, as here I sit."

Christian POV

"Wakey, wakey my darling!"

A cool breeze flitters over my face. My hopes are dashed when my brain deciphers the voice is not Ana's. This voice is cold and will never be warm as hers. I slowly open my eyes and turn to see Elena, who is leaning quite precariously over the bedrail and looks like she can topple over any moment. She must see the disappointment in my eyes as her cold exterior chipped a little.

"No, now, don't give me that look. I'm here to keep you company," she says as she starts fussing with my blankets. The sunlight creeps through the windows and the city has a golden glow. I guess it is early morning. Elena is elegantly dressed and I wonder how early she has to get up to look so well put together.

Bending The Rulesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें