Chapter 15

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A/N: I asked two of my readers to choose between a 1930's Jean Harlow dress versus a 1950's cocktail dress for Ana to wear at the party... We shall see!.. Also when I paste this story in all of the italicizes revert back to text. I'm too lazy to redo the italics,
P.S.: There may be triggers for some here, not sure... I apologize in advance if so. Also, here is a fat and juicy Christian-filled chapter for you all!
*Thanks to all the readers who take time in their day to drop me a line! I appreciate it! * Also I'd like to thank my husband who does all the weekend chores so that I can write this story. He is very supportive that way! LOL


I stare at my reflection and frown. "I don't know, Kate," I murmur as I pull and tug down on the bottom of my dress. Kate had nearly forced me into this tube dress, although I kept insisting it is way too short. It was a bit ostentatious with its sparkling rhinestones.

"It looks great," she squeals, "I told you it'd go perfect with your eyes." Kate takes a step back and gives me a reassuring smile. "You're going to stun everyone at that place." She pulls out my ponytail holder and runs her hands through my hair. I gasp as I was not prepared for the tingles that run from my nape all the way to my fingertips. I suppress a cold shudder. The feeling was not entirely unpleasant...

I am still not convinced of this dress and as I stare into the mirror I know that I have to let her know that this one is not for me. I mean - it is beautiful, cobalt blue, and clingy and the matching strappy heels are stunning. But still not for me. I turn and head back behind the vintage fabric screen.

I unzip and start to pull my arms free of the sleeves. As I pull the dress down below my breasts I see Kate behind me with a startled look on her face. I grab at the dress and shield my chest. I should have been more careful. I was so wrapped up in getting this dress off that I didn't hear her come up behind me.

I think I startled Kate more than she startled me; the look in her eyes are sad but have an angry ring at the edges. "What... oh my God... Ana... who," she stopped. Kate is frozen and cannot comprehend what she's seeing with what she wants to ask me.

"It's nothing, Kate," I say in a whispered voice. A tear escapes and I brush it aside. She steps slowly behind me and slowly reaches her hand out. Her eyes are silently pleading to ask permission to touch. I nod and with the barest touch her fingers slowly trace along the jagged scar above my breast. The touch was not sensual; it is clinical and almost impersonal like the touch of a doctor but her fingers still display warmth and feeling.

"How did this happen?" Kate says, tears form and threaten to drop.

"Not now, but I promise one day we will talk." I move out of her touch and she understands that this conversation is over. It is a sort of release; I have a best friend now and slowly I will let her into my personal space and thoughts. But tonight is not the night. "Kate, this dress is not me," I snort. She laughs at my bravado and turns to let me undress.

Kate yells over the screen. "What do you feel like wearing tonight?" To this I have no idea. I don't even own a dress and my footwear consists of Mary Janes and Chuck Taylor Converse sneakers.

I exit the screen and sit on the bed. She senses my dismay and starts to smile. She tosses me a wet-wipe. "Wipe of that garish makeup I put on earlier. Tonight we're going classy!" She grabs my hand and we run from the room. Our earlier shared sorrow is forgotten for now.

We get to a cedar-lined closet. It is larger than my bedroom at home and it smells divine. Inside are several garment bags hanging from several hooks and racks. Kate starts pulling zippers as she pulls them off the racks. "No, no, definitely no, YES!" She turns to me, "Close your eyes and hold out your hand!"

I hear the rustling of the plastic and the pull of fabric being pulled from the bag. Next I feel the weight of a hanger. "Open your eyes, Ana."

I open my eyes and in my hand is an antique light gray cocktail dress with dainty white pearls stitched in the bodice and pearl velvet ribbon adorning the hem and the neckline. Inside is a crinoline petticoat which makes this dress poofy. There is a matching waist jacket with a wide shoulder collar and large mother of pearl buttons. The finishing touch is a matching velvet belt sewn into the waistline. It is simply the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

Kate smiles and answers the questioning look on my face. "My mom was in the play, Roman Holiday in college. She played Princess Anne. She had this reproduction made over twenty years ago and couldn't part with it. I believe this is what you are looking for."

From what I knew of the Roman Holiday movie is that it came out around 1953, and this dress was authentic to that era. I laugh and smile, "For my very first dress this is the best one you could have ever chosen!"

Kate pulls out shoes from the garment bag. She hands me a pair of soft grey and white kitten heels with silver buckles. Very elegant and low enough for a novice dress shoe wearer like me not to trip and kill myself in.

Kate abandons her original choice of a sleeveless black tube dress for an incredible slinky silver floor-length dress. It looks almost like lingerie, but the satin is thick enough to reassure those thinking otherwise. The front was cut into a V, and the back swooped low below her shoulder blades. It accentuates her long neck and tendrils that escaped the pins. Finishing her ensemble was silver open-toe heels and a beaded clutch.

An hour later we stare into the mirror. Kate pulls my hair into a chignon but modernizes it by having a few long strands falling throughout. She has her long hair curled in flat flowing waves and pinned under. Her cherry red lipstick makes her the perfect Jean Harlow.
From outside the room, Ethan calls out, "Are you two almost finished? Or should I tell Jose to come back in about an hour?"
Kate raised her eyebrows, "See? Guys are so impatient, but trust me. You look good, and they'll be glad they waited."
I don't have the confidence to step out of the room looking as I do, but still Kate drags me out. I shouldn't feel awkward in this incredible dress, especially since everyone only sees me in bulky and drab clothes. Chin up and chest forward. I take a deep breath and descend the stairs with Kate's arm in mine.
"Dios mio, Ana," Jose says once we got to the bottom of the stairs. "You look - te ves preciosa," he finishes with a loud gulp.
"I think that's compliment," Kate laughs when she notices my confusion.
I squirm under his attention but still manage to reply, "Oh, well, you look great too, Jose."
"Jose does clean up good," Kate smiles and pulls at Jose's tie.
"Hey," Jose pretends to look hurt. "I always look good."

Christian POV
I knew I was smart bringing my own car instead of letting Elliot drive me. This club was Elliot's style and I am sure that by the end of the evening he will eventually flake off with some woman.
"How do you even find yourself in places like this Elliot?" I ask as we walk toward the front door. There is a man dressed in a black suit guarding it. I assume he is the doorman and bouncer.
He was huge and stood by stoically while women flirt with attempts to get in, but when he saw us approaching he pulled the velvet rope aside. "Have a good evening, Mr. Grey." I was surprised and wanted to know how he knows my name. Elliot laughs, "He means me, Christian."
"Don't you have to pay to get inside?" I began fishing out bills from my wallet.
"Perks of a membership, dear brother. Put your money away," he says smugly.
The place was dimly lit and all I can see is a mass of people crowding together in front of a stage. Tables and stools stood in shadows and there are antique wall sconces and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. At first glance this was a dance club, but this space was once the Paramount Theatre. It was a fusion of the contemporary as well as kept the long-held traditional fixtures. The ceiling even held the original copper press tiles.
"Let's get a drink," Elliot suggests as we near one of the bars.
As I follow Elliot to the bar, I see the place is crowded. I have to admit the swing jazz music coming from the stage wasn't bad.
I take a seat and face the stage while Elliot orders our drinks. This was a 1930's theme night and the beverage options were champagne, gin rickeys, and sidecars.
There is a good swing band playing; it reminds me of my teen years when I'd go out to concerts and enjoy the music. Mind you, I am going from Nirvana to Glenn Miller playing Chattanooga Choo Choo.
Elliot handed me a sidecar, "Okay, now let's see, what kind of girl is more your type?" Elliot looks over the crowd with a troubled expression, "Blondes? Those girls seem-"
I roll my eyes. I am close to Elliot, but talking about girls still isn't something I am comfortable with. Besides, Elliot never kept a girl to long enough to talk about, so it was not like he should talk either. "Did mom put you up to this?" I could hear my mother now: "I'm worried about Christian, he's too reclusive. Elliot, maybe you can introduce him to some people. I thought this was just a phase, but maybe he just needs a little push."
Elliot laughs lightly and takes a sip from his own drink before returning to scan the crowd, "Oh, how about that blonde?"
I don't bother looking, instead I turn back to the stage and continue listening to the band.
"Oh. My. God. She's hot," he says, almost like a veneration. "I'll save her for myself. But we must find you a girl first. So seriously, what's your dream girl look like?"
Blue eyes matched with brown hair, and the most delicate looking porcelain skin.
"For fucks sake," I curse out loud. Elliot turns to me, surprised by my outburst.
"I didn't mean to make you mad, Christian," he says warily. "I -"
I shake my head and when the image of those wide blue eyes still won't leave my mind, I tilt my head to throw back the rest of the drink. Out of all times, why am I thinking about her now?
"It was nothing Elliot, I just - I think I have to go to the restroom."
Elliot raises an eyebrow, "You think you have to go the restroom? Well uh, okay, it's back there," Elliot pointed by the side of the crowd, "While you go figure out if you have to use the bathroom, I'm going to look for that blonde goddess again."
I slide off the barstool and head for the direction Elliot pointed out to me.

I squirm away from all the people in the crowd. It is getting too crowded and warm. I still have the waist jacket on and cannot remove it without everyone seeing what I try to hide. Kate disappeared after a gorgeous guy who introduced himself as Elliot whisked her away. Jose and Nathan are somewhere close by, but I can't see them anymore.
"Crap, crap, crap," I say, even though I cannot hear myself through this noise. I look around for Jose but decide to take refuge at a table as the crowd was pushing and herding me in that direction anyway.
I was almost through the crowd and I see the last person I ever expect to see. He was so close; I am sure I'm not just confusing him with another person. This is definitely Mr. Grey. Who would have thought we'd be in the same place tonight? Part of me wants to run and hide, but the other (much stronger side) wants to run up to him and say hello.
He is wearing the same gray suit he wore at school today. His hair is messier than it was during school, just like at the restaurant when he ran his hand through it one too many times.
Is he here with her?
I can't break my eye contact. There is a pull that anchors me to him. I can't pull my eyes away even when he stops suddenly and turns to my direction.
He seems unimpressed and begins walking again. In the next second he stops again and does a double take.
I see his eyes widen the slightest bit and his mouth open as if he is about to speak, and just when I was going to offer him a friendly smile, I feel someone's arm around my shoulders and a warm breath by my ear.
"There you are Ana, I thought I lost you," he says silkily. "I have something special for you."
It's Jose. He wraps his other arm around me and in his hand is a single white rose. My once fluttering hummingbird heart slows down, especially when I see an angry Mr. Grey walking away.
I keep forgetting myself. I should be the one angry at him. I humiliated myself in front of him today. I cried. But why instead am I excited to see him? Maybe this is a knee-jerk reaction to what happens when you realize teachers are just people too. Maybe everyone gets excited when they see their teachers outside of school. It's normal. It's nothing.
"Kate's over there by the bar with that guy Elliot," Jose yells into my ear. His breath is minty like he used an overdose of mouthwash or drank a mint julep. I flinch, did he have to be so loud? And more importantly, did he have to come at the same time I see Mr. Grey? "Ethan is on the dance floor," he adds, his voice slurs against my cheek.
"Wanna go dance?" Jose doesn't wait for a response and pulls me toward the dance floor. His hands are sweaty and he presses me too close. "Ana, I asked you out earlier today and you didn't respond. I deserve an answer." I feel my hackles rise and my insides are screaming to get away. It's getting too close like the reminder of Steve and his after dinner drinks...
The alcohol must be making him brave; he would not behave this way otherwise. All week he has been sweet and kind, even when I brushed off his amorous attentions. I don't want to have to tell him this now. But he is forcing himself on me but I don't want to hurt him or this friendship we started. "Come on, Ana, you must know that I like you. You let me hold you when we walked to your class. You must want me too!"
I search the room for Kate. She is in the arms of the tall blond and has her back to us. Nathan is nowhere to be found. Jose's grip on me is tightening and thankfully the rose had its thorns cut off or I would be bleeding by now. One hand grabs my nape and pulls me closer to his lips. I struggle and his other hand has a grip on the waist of the dress and if I pull away I know it will tear. He presses his hips into mine and I feel the hardness in his groin.
Christian POV
I walk away feeling the pain in my chest getting heavier and that damn jealous green-eyed monster is out. Elliot can wait. He has his arms wrapped around some beautiful blonde, and if she is as beautiful in the front as she is in the back, then he has it made. She must be twenty-five at least. I want to leave immediately, but instead I go sit by one of the small tables beside bar. I need a drink, but I have to drive. Who thought that I'd be the one to bail a party before Elliot...
My thoughts sway back to the lovely Miss Steele. Her clothes make her appear older. She is wearing an incredible dress which screams class – not crass. Her hair is swept up in a fancy bun and she looks simply breathtaking. I idly wonder where she got these clothes because she has never worn anything remotely close to this at school. My thoughts turn darker. Is she here with Rodriguez? I have no say on who she spends her time with. She is not mine. Yet...
I scan the floor and find her again. She is in Rodriguez's arms and he is holding her close. My chest is aching and my green-eyed monster is taking no prisoners. He is a dam breaching its walls.
My green-eyed monster doesn't like it one bit. He hates that Jose can hold her in his arms and dance with her. He hates that other men in this damn place are pointing and showing their appreciation. My monster hates that it is not him holding her. She is holding another fucking white rose. Did he give her the other one too? Fuck Jose and his damn roses. 
My fingers twitch and I feel like a teenager full of piss and vinegar out looking for a fight. Just like before... I can't stand seeing her with other people—other boys—I correct myself.
But I'm not a teenager, I'm an adult. I'm her teacher...
I give up trying to tell myself that this isn't right. Every time I feel this about her, the guilt should really feel like a punch in the gut. But it doesn't. I don't care anymore. I don't care that I am her teacher and I don't care that I shouldn't be feeling these things for her. I want to break all the rules...
What are you doing dancing with him like that? Jesus Christ, Ana, what are you doing in this place? I was so caught up in my anger that I did not realize Ana's frantic eyes darting to mine.
My monster was so angry at the betrayal of them dancing together that I almost missed Jose kissing Ana. It felt like a stab in the back. All the blood seemed to drain from my body and I turned cold. It was added with something close to rage when I realized Ana was not enjoying the embrace. It was contrary; she was trying to push him off her.
I let my monster take over. All he knows is that he needs to get that moron off of her. I'm sure the chair flipped over when I stood. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't care enough to check.
I push through the people and make my way to Ana. Everyone else on the dancefloor seems oblivious to this exchange. I am prepared to push that idiot off and drag him out of here, but Ana isn't as fragile as I assume.
She managed to get Jose off on her own, and if the red mark on his face was what it looks like, she had also slapped him.
"I'm going to go find Kate," she flushes with anger. She rights her dress and coat and turns. Her eyes are angry and looking at Jose, he has the audacity to look offended.
She nearly passes by me, but I manage to stop her before she gets too far. "Anastasia," I whisper, though it comes out harsher than I intend.
"Mr. Grey," she replies, looking down at my hand on her arm. She looks too angry to be surprised.
"Are you okay?" I scan her quickly and aside from her scowl and some hair pulled at her nape she seems okay.
Ana blushes and looks away sheepishly, "Oh, you saw that? It was nothing-"
"He kissed you. And you didn't want to be kissed... Did you?" I was beginning to feel like the moron. I was fighting to not sound like a jealous boyfriend, but on the other hand I was trying for sensitivity. My green-eyed monster didn't know how to work with that. He just wanted to grab Ana and take her to a safe spot. He wants her for his own. I push back the thought. "He was holding you pretty tightly." When the words were said, I realize I am still holding her arm. Am I any better than Jose? I drop my hand and wait for her to answer.
"I've had worse," she says almost to herself, then stops. She shakes her head and gives me a weak smile, "I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Grey."
Does she think she could just steer the conversation another way and I'd ignore her response? "Had worse? What is that supposed to mean? Has someone hurt you before Ana?"
Again, she only shakes her head. "Forget I said that. I'm just a little - I - I have to go find Kate."
She starts to walk away again but I follow her. I am not letting her out of my sight. "Kate's here too?" I ask, beginning to feel the anger creep in again. Kate was going to be a bad influence on Ana. This was also going to be a long night.
"Mm?" Ana pretends not to hear me and looks around the place with nervous eyes.
"Does your father know your here?" I shout. I don't know why I want to fight with her. I am so jealous and so angry. She is supposed to be tucked in at home reading, not be at a bar where she is underage.
Ana rolls her eyes, "Does yours?"
"Not very mature for someone in a place meant for adults, Anastasia," I reply dryly.
"Yeah, well right now I wish was home," she snaps back.
"Should I go back and talk to Mr. Rodriguez?" I try for diplomacy.
"I think I made myself pretty clear," Ana says with a shrug.
"Well, good," I nearly smile. "But I hope next time you'll stay home where you're suppose to be."
Ana's posture changes and becomes tense, "Where I'm supposed to be! Are you serious? And who said I belong at home? I've spent my entire life being locked inside. Does it really matter to you that I want to go out just this once?"
"Ana, you're still young and you have a lot of years ahead of you. What were you thinking going out at this hour, and to a place like this? This isn't a place you should be going out to. If you want to go out, try the movies, or the mall, places people your age are allowed."
She faces me and looks almost as irritated as I feel. "Mr. Grey, I get that you're my teacher and you feel the need to preach about my safety, but I seriously don't need that right now. You act as if you never tried to have fun when you were younger."
Little does she know...
I was about to say something in the same angry tone she was using but I stop. Ana's breathing was quickening and her hands were shaking.
"God, I need to get out of here. There's too many people -" she said, her voice losing its anger and becoming more unsteady.
"Ana? Are you -" All anger vanished. Ana was in distress and my green-eyed monster was frantically pacing in his cage.
"I just need some air or some water. I just need to get away from all these people-" Ana tries to walk away, but she stumbles and looks quite pale now.
I move my arm and hover behind her, scared that she might collapse. I steer her away from the crowd. We were soon out the door and Ana takes a deep steady breath.
"What's wrong Ana?" I asked. "Are you feeling faint?" I wish Elliot was here to bring her some water.
The security guard watches us nervously. I scowl, but I am forced to ask for help. For Ana's sake.
"Can you bring her some water? She isn't feeling well."
"I'm fine," Ana manages to say, and though she is rubbing her face with her palms, the color is coming back in her cheeks. "I get dizzy a lot. I didn't faint this time, I should be fine."
"You didn't faint, this time?"
"It's happened before, it's nothing."
"For God's sake Ana, that isn't normal. When was the last time you ate? Were you drinking tonight?"
"No, I wasn't drinking," she scowls and drops her hands. Her eyes which had been surrounded by dark long eyelashes, were now surrounded by dark mascara smudges.
"When was the last time you ate, Ana?"
Ana doesn't answer.
"Ana," I say with more force. If she is pulling that no eating crap that I saw in school God so help me...
"I had pizza at Kate's." She tries to hold back a shiver, "It reminds me of something-"
"Reminds you of what, Ana?" I ask softly. I am mollified that she confessed to eating.
She rubs her face again, "Crap, I forgot I have on make-up," she looks down at her palms and frowns at the dark smudges. "I must look like a raccoon," she groans.
I smile. Of course she forgot, she never uses make-up. "I don't think I've ever seen racoons wearing dresses or having bright blue eyes."
Ana rolls her eyes again and tries to wipe away the mascara.
"Here, let me help," I offer. I have my handkerchief out.
Ana keeps wiping under her eyes, "I think I got it-"
I reach over her and wipe under her eyes. I pretend in this stolen moment that I am not her teacher and that it was okay that my heart is beating a staccato at our closeness. I hope I wasn't imagining the tiny smile that formed on Ana's lips. I smile back at the small blush in her cheeks, but somehow resist the urge to caress her cheek.
A/N: I couldn't decide on the dresses so I had Kate wear the other one. It looks great on her...

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