Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


The surprised look on Kate's face would be comical if it were not for how serious this was. That night at the bar it must have been sheer dumb luck that Christian and Elliott (who was happily distracted with Kate during that time) were not seen together.

"Grey is a common name, I don't think it's him," Kate says, but I know she doesn't really believe what she says.

I know I've run out of time. I have to tell her, and since Mia knows everything, then it is time to trust another person. Kate has already seen my scars. "I know because I was with him, there, that night." I lock into her gaze so I don't miss her response.

I could see Kate mentally connecting the dots. She was so expressive at times that I never needed to ask her what she was thinking. I just knew. "I remember that I didn't see you much that night. I figured that you were spending time with José."

Well I was in an unwanted way... "I was with him briefly, but –as you already know – on our first waltz he forced himself on me. I slapped him on the face and then out of nowhere Mr. Grey came storming toward us."

"That explains why I still felt the tension between you both these past few days," she huffs.

"I'm sorry Kate, I didn't want it ruin your friendship with José."

She smirks, "It won't; unless you want it to. But I still may have to go all Rambo on him for that."

"No," I state firmly. I pick up my bag and pull the strings open. "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. I told him clearly how I felt about his attentions." I shudder and shake at that thought.

"Anna! Listen to me right now. No one, and I mean No. One. Has. The. Right. To. Force. Themselves. On. You."

Kate leans over and pulls me into a hug. It's oddly paradoxical that I feel both comfort and unease. "Let's drop this for now, and—yes, I promise to tell you if he tries it again." I pull myself out of her hug. "Besides, we have your issue with Elliot to contend with—"

"And you need to tell me more about why you were with Mr. Grey..." Kate adds.

Christian POV

"How's my favourite patient this morning?" Grace says as she checks my pulse.

"Mother, I need to speak with you." Here goes nothing... "It's important and I know that you will be angry and hurt."

"What is it Christian? After the drama that has been following you lately you're making me a little nervous." She moves her hand from my wrist and places it in my palm. "You can tell me anything, you know that sweetheart."

I take a deep breath. "Mom, I've had a relationship –a fling really- with Elena, your friend." Her hand begins to slide from mine and I grab it tightly. "She's threatening me, well blackmailing me to be more exact. I think Ana is in danger."

She is speechless. She pulls her hand away and rises. She looks disgusted and hurt. It's the look of betrayal. I know I've let her down.

"That bitch!" Grace paces in front of my bed and I know a million questions are jockeying for position to come out. "How long?" She settles beside me in the chair but rocks like she can bolt at any moment. "Start from the beginning and don't you dare leave anything out."

Mom is taking no prisoners..."I was eighteen and had a fake ID to get into bars. She found me almost passed out drunk near an alley. I got drunk because I was angry with Dad and we argued about school, but I think hardly matters now. I was soaked from the rain and from vomit. I just wanted to fight. I wanted the anger to go away. She literally found me lying in a puddle of my own puke."

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