Chapter 3

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*Again, thank you all for your kind words and suggestions!*
Let's get this chapter out! I am ready: cookies, coffee, and chips and dip... !
Chapter 3

I had just finished up my warm-up when I felt his presence. I peeked up through my hair—and sure enough—there he was walking down my aisle with papers in hand. I chuckle to myself. I guess I could see the attraction with how girls would throw themselves at him; he was perfect. Well, his appearance was perfect. His hair seemed to have specks of gold in it, though it was clearly supposed to be brown. Did he add highlights to that hair? He didn't seem too cocky, but he did seem so confident with himself. Maybe he did go and get work done on his hair. No one should have natural hair that was that gorgeous, especially combined with eyes as fierce as his.
"Anastasia," he said, once he stopped beside me. "You'll have until the end of the month to finish this. I think that's more than enough time." He placed the stack of papers on my desk.
It wasn't a short stack. I almost groaned at seeing this mass of assignments.
What happened next was not something I had expected. His long thin fingers brushed against mine, and a jolt of electricity went through them. My eyes flashed to his, and blue was met with grey.
I pulled the papers toward me. "Thanks."
The first paper in the stack was a course syllabus. "That's what we'll be doing this term, and what you need to get for this class," he said softly.
"Mr. G," a voice called out, "I can't see the board."
With a glare and a sigh, Mr. Grey crouched down beside me. His body was now uncomfortably close. "You need to get that signed by your parent—"
"Or guardian," I interject.
"Of course..." He reached for the papers and pulled the paper behind it out gently, taking caution not to touch my hand again. "That's a project you weren't here for. You have a computer at home right? The class website is on the first paper."
I did have one back home in Texas but I couldn't bring it with me in the move. My mom's new husband dictated which items I was permitted and prohibited to bring with me. It was out of the realm of possibility for Ray—who fished for leisure—to have any interest in computers, home internet, and wi-fi. Ray's television was still a floor-model with rabbit ears!
"What?" He asked, seeing how my expression had encompassed a myriad of emotions.
"I don't have a home computer but I can go to the public library. I mean, I have until the end of the month, right? Jose may have one I can use."
"You don't need to go to the library, just check the website from your phone or-"
I shake my head slowly. "No phone either."
He asked in slight surprise, "You don't have a cell phone?"
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Not anymore."
A look of regret flashed in his eyes. He must have known that this brief conversation would still gather the snarky interest from the vapid fan club that sat near his desk. I know he must feel like he offended me, but how is he to know? "Alright," he breathed out. "I was going to ask you to look for the instructions for the project, but you can stay after class and I'll explain it to you."
"Okay," I exhale.
"In that case, there's no point in explaining everything now, when I can explain it later," he said, rising up to stand up straight. "Is everyone finished with the warm-up?" he asked the class.
When the class answered, he looked down at me, "Did you finish the warm-up?"
I nodded and pointed to the paper. Please don't make me read it now, please don't mortify me any more than you already have...
"Why don't you share it with the class then," he said and began walking back to his desk.
Eyes all around the classroom looked wide at me. He was picking me to read out loud? On my first day?
"Actually Mr. G," came a voice directly behind me, "Can I share mine first?"
I sighed with relief. At least I think I had a friend from class to count on.
Mr. Grey flashed his eyes from mine. "Go ahead Jack."

I know this chapter is short. I wanted to blend chapter 4 with this one, but I want to keep the chapters consistent! With luck, I hope to have chapter 4 out by tomorrow. Chapter 4 is longer that this!

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