Chapter 12

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CH 12


I left the classroom feeling things were right—not in a totally awesome way—but that things were elevated and possibly less confusing when I think of him. I also think of Ray, and Kate, and Jose, and believe that I have found a deep circle of friends and loved ones. It seems almost bizarre that I can start to open up and let myself feel the rapture of friends around me.

I mentally pull the scabs away and think of mom and her husband. The stabbing pains are not as strong as before, but still have presence. Good. Anger is what protects me. Ray says anyone who holds on to anger and revenge like a prisoner is always the fool, as it is the anger and revenge who ultimately make a prisoner out of you. I can understand that; it's good advice. I'm just not ready to let it go and walk away quite yet.

My musings took me to a hallway I'm sure I've never been. Nothing seems familiar and I stop to hear arguing around the corner. I couldn't backtrack the way I came nor did I want to intrude. Something in the voices seemed familiar.

"You are not working hard enough," a cold and feminine voice barked.

"I am. Please just give me more time." This time a male voice pleaded.

"That date was a fiasco. You were supposed to seduce her and you failed miserably." Again a cold and silvery edge cut her words.

"I kissed her like you told me to but then your call—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," the voice demanded. "If you want to keep what is good for you then you'd be wise to stop talking. Now." Slap. Then silence. Then what sounds like a kiss...

"Yes, ma'am." This time the male voice was penitent.

"Now go. We can't be seen together."

I waited around the corner for quite a while. It was getting late and I still wanted to get home before it got too dark. I edged around the corner to make sure they were gone. I got a few paces forward before the woman exited a doorway. "Good afternoon, Anastasia. We meet again."

X x X

Christian POV

My happy grin was cut short when my door opened.

"Elena?" I ask. I was not prepared to see her this soon, especially after that calamitous lunch date.

"What are you still doing here, Christian?" she said with a cheerful smile. "I just ran into Anastasia downstairs, and wondered if you were... talking to her."

"She came to drop off the work she missed," I pointed to the papers on my desk.

Elena was skeptical. "Yes, she did mention something like that. I figured you'd both have your stories ready." Her voice was tight and her smile was jagged.

"You talked to her?" My jaw clenched. "I thought I told you to stay out of it."

Elena shrugged, "I only asked her if you told her yet." She seemed to be laughing at a private joke that only she was in on.

I shut my eyes and held the bridge of my nose. This is exasperating. I took in a deep breath and let it out in a huff. "You promised me. Why the hell would you do that? I told you I'd handle it."

She gave a short laugh, "You should be thanking me for speeding things up a little—and besides, I never technically made you a promise."

"What. Did. You. Tell. Her?" I gave her my best steely glare.

Elena smiled widely, "Oh, Christian, don't give me that look. With what I told her she will probably be back here tomorrow throwing herself at you."

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