Part.7 Stolen Away

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"Haruki!? What's this feeling!?"
I ask.
"What feeling? Setsuna!? What's wrong!?"
He shouts from in front of me.
I find myself feeling light-headed.
Just when I'm about to hit the ground, I fall into someone arms.

But... whom?

I hear an unfamiliar voice.
"Mind if I take your goddess, you pathetic god?" Someone Speaks.
"Setsuna! Get you hands off of her!" Haruki screams out.
A reply follows in a cheeky tone.
"Hmm... how about no. Hahaha!"
I open my eyes to see a attractive, young looking man with black hair, and grey eyes.

Wow, I could get lost in those eyes.

"Wings... ?"
I mumble.
"Ah I see, you're awake. I'll be borrowing you."
After saying this, he leaps into the air. Except we don't touch back down to the ground.

Are we...FLYING!?

"Wow, this is amazing!"
I yell out.
"You think?"
He asks.
I reply.

I know I'm being kidnapped again, but I've never flown before, it's amazing

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I know I'm being kidnapped again, but I've never flown before, it's amazing.


We finally touch ground in a wooded area next to a small house.
Timidly I ask.
"Erm... where are we... sir?"
"Haha. 'Sir?' Drop the formalities. I'm here to ask you something, but you can be casual with me, okay?"
He says.
I reply.

He really does seem laid back.

"So, I'm the leader of the Fallen and instead of killing you, I want you to be mine." He says casually.
In shock of what he's just said, I say.
"Yours!? What do you mean, yours!?"
"Well, I want you to fight on my side and also give me a child."
He says smirking.


"Child!? Wait so you ?"
I ask shyly.
"Yes I mean 'sex'. I hope you have no problems with that."
He says.

Wait! Does he think I'll just go willingly!?

"I'm sorry, but I don't think so. I couldn't do that... I don't even know you."
I mumble.
"Ah, so that's the problem. Well then, let's get better aquanted. You can call me Guardian. You are?"
He states.
"I... I'm Setsuna Miyazaki, nice to meet you!"
I nervously shout.
"Ah, Setsuna. What an... interesting name."
He says, faking being impressed.
I shoot him a disappointed expression.

That was rude!

"No! I refuse! I won't bare your child, even if we get to know each other more. You're rude!"
I say, snapping.
"What? Setsuna, you don't think you can get rid of me that easily, do you?"
He picks me back up and we take off heading in the same direction we came from.


We find ourselves back at the mansion.

Wait, he brought me back?
I thought he wanted me to be 'his'.

"Here we are."
He says, setting me down.
"Wait! You're letting me go?"
I ask in surprise.
"I did say I was taking you for a little while. I'm done with you for now."
He says and sets me down.
"Oh." I mumble.

"Don't get me wrong though! I won't give up that easily

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"Don't get me wrong though! I won't give up that easily. I will make you mine."
He says flashing me a smile. And with that, he leaves again.

Well.. that was an experience.

"Master! Are you okay!?"
I hear Yukiko shout at me from across the courtyard.
She runs up to me with Arina and Kou right behind her.
She cries out, jumping onto me and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Setsuna! Are you alright!?"
Kou asks.
"Yes, I'm fine."
I respond.
Yukiko let's go of me.
"We heard from Haruki that you'd been taken by the leader of the Fallen."
Arina informs me.
"Ah yes, I was."
I say looking down.
"Did he hurt you? What did he do!?"
Kou asks.
"N-no, I'm fine... Arina is that... ? You're injured!"
I say rushing over to her.
She'd been grazed with something and small amounts of blood drip from the wound.
"Well they attacked when you were being taken, I suppose it was a diversion."
Arina groans.
"Don't worry Master! She'll be alright!"
Yukiko adds.
"Oh, okay good."
I sigh in relief.

Oh thank god!

"It matters not Master, I'm just glad your safe."
Arina says.
She slightly wences in pain.

Is she really alright?

Kou turns me around to face him and starts checking me for injuries as if I've just come back from a war zone.

He's so cute when he's concerned!

He's now holding my face with both hands.
"Do you know how worried I was?" he says.

Our faces are so close, are we gonna kiss?

Our faces are so close, are we gonna kiss?

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He pulls on my cheeks.

That was a quick change in mood.

"You're an idiot, you know that?! How could you go and get yourself captured like that? You really know how to make a guy worry."
He says, looking really pissed off.
"Ow! Kou dat hurz! Stahp eh!"
I attempt to talk, but him pulling on my cheeks doesn't make speaking easy.
He let's go and crosses his arms as he turns around.
I rub my cheeks in pain.
I hear a crashing sound.

What the heck was that?

I turn around to see Arina laying on the ground.

We Save Our World (私たちの世界を救います) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now