Part.14 When Training Begins

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I look up at Haruki.

Am I really ready?

"Yeah, we can get started tomorrow."
He says looking at me sternly.
"Do you really think that I'm ready?"
I ask Haruki.
"Setsuna, of course you are."
His face softens and he puts his hand on my shoulder.
I nod.
Yukiko grabs my hand.
"Master, come here! Try this I made it."


The curtains open.
I feel my body being shaken.
I hear a voice.
"Setsuna. Setsuna, wake up."
I try to see who it was.

Oh it's just Haruki.
Why is he in here?

"Come on. Get up. It's time for training."
Haruki tries to get me up.
"Yeah, um, okay."
I agree and get up.
"Pfft... Haha!"
Haruki begins laughing.
I'm a little more than confused.
"Your hair! Haha!"
He continues to laugh after commenting on my hair.
I look over to the vanity mirror.

Oh my gosh!

My hair is sticking up in every which way.
I quickly fix it.
I cross arms.
He coughs then smirks.
I flick his forehead.
He frowns.
"Come on."
I say, preceding to shove him out of my room.


"Okay, let's start off with something simple. Though I know you can do more difficult spells, you don't remember doing them or you or how you did them."
Haruki says.
I nod.
He's taken me outside and we are standing in an open grassy area.
"So what should we start with?"
I ask.
He takes a step closer.
"Let's start with levitation. I'll go grab something."
Haruki runs off to grab something.
He brings back a grape and a cup.
"What's with the grape?"
I ask.
He looks up at me while placing the grape next to the cup.
"You're going to levitate the grape just over the cup and drop it in."

I guess this could work...

I sigh.
"So let's begin."
I take a deep breath. He hands me a piece of paper.
"What's this?"
I ask picking it up.
"Read that. Memorize it then chant it while looking at the grape. If it works, you should be able to move it to where you're looking at."
He explains.
"Alright. I'll try."
I look down at the paper.
After reading it, I look at the grape.

Um, I'll try again... Maybe...

I read it again.
I look at the grape but this time I stare more intensely.
The grape shakes.
I try to look over the glass.
But the grape explodes.
I smack my hand onto my forehead.
Haruki wipes the grape splatter off his face.
I say with an awkward smile.
He opens his mouth to speak.
"Uh, I think we need a new grape."
He walks backwards a few steps then turns around and jogs back the mansion.

Why do I feel like this is gonna be a long day...

He comes back with the whole bag of grapes in his hands.
"Here. It's a good idea to have more than one I guess."
He holds out the bag to me.
I take it from him and take out a grape.
"Okay, I can do it this time."
I reassure myself.
I can hear Haruki chuckling.
This time I crouch down to the ground where the grape is.

Maybe it will be easier if I'm eye level with it.

I mutter the incantation again.

You. Can. Do. This.

Clearing my mind, I look at it.
I look over the glass.
It moves.

I did it!

The grape drops into the glass.
I jump up.
Without realizing it, I hug Haruki.

Wait, why am I hugging him?

I pull my face away from his chest.
He looks really confused.
"Uh, oh sorry..."
I look down as my face flushes red.
I try to back away.
He grabs my wrist.
"Um, it's fine."
He says softly.
He pulls me close again.

Hmm... All because of a grape.
I think I like grapes now.

"Are you sure?"
I ask still doubting myself.
"Yes. Why wouldn't it be?"
He asks, laughing softly.

"I don't know. Sorry, I'm just nervous."


"I don't know."

"I mean it's not like this is the worst that's happened between us."
He grabs my chin.

His face is getting closer.

We Save Our World (私たちの世界を救います) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now