Part.25 A Place Like No Other

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He squeezes my wrist tighter the more I move.
"No! Let go!"
I scream.
I grab my arm and try to tug on it.
With one pull he I fly into his arms.
Shou throws me over his shoulder and runs to the tall dark building.


After running for a while Shou stops.
I can see the forest surrounding us in a large clearing.
I can only assume we've made it to the large towering black building.
I mean it's not like I can see what he's facing, just what he's facing away from.
"Where are we?"
I ask him.
he stops.
"Quit asking so many questions!"
He shouts.
He loosens his grip but only for a short moment.
He tightens it again as he throws me down to the ground.
I rub the spot where my head hit the ground.
I look up at Shou from the ground.
He lowers himself to the ground.
I begin to ask.
"Again with the questions? Just shut your mouth!"
He says coldly now hovering over me.

What is he gonna do?

I close my eyes in fear.
"What exactly do you think I'm gonna do?"
He asks with slight amusement showing in his voice.
"I don't know, you're awfully close so..."
I respond.
"Seriously? As if! I'm just thirsty. But your blood smells disgusting so never mind."
He says sticking his nose up.
"Blood? Aren't you fallen?"
I ask.
"Again with the stupid questions!? Seriously do you ever stop talking? I thought you were supposed to be some almighty goddess."
He bares his teeth in anger.

So he's half... ?

He stands up and pulls me up aswell.
"Come on."
He says in annoyance taking my hand again.


(Yukiko's POV)

I don't know how much longer I can run.
I've already checked and double checked everywhere Haruki told me to.
I know he's upset but If she's not here then she's not here.

I stop in my tracks and bend over to rest my hands on my knees.
Panting I think of masters face.
"Once more!"
I say to give myself the courage to find her.

If I don't find master... I've failed!

I run with all my mite until I've made it to the courtyard where I last saw master.
I say closing my eyes.
Taking a deep breath in and out i think of master while beginning to cast a tracking spell.

This kind of spell is hard for angels and goddesses but I have to try.
It's not like we've seen the big breasted lady or her lover anywhere.

I think about all the times master has smiled. How she shows her strength in different ways and how she becomes fierce in times of need. "I can and will do this!" I shout. The wind blows strongly now and all around me. I can feel that magic flow throughout me and then...


(Setsuna's POV)

I'm drug through endless amounts of rooms full of Fallen that stare me down and scowl at me. When I can I try to avoid eye contact and even close my eyes if I can. The fear overwhelms me.
"Stop dragging your feet, goddess."
Shou says with a tug of my arm.
I do as he says... or try at least. I feel as if I've been walking forever and we never seem to make it to our destination.

We Save Our World (私たちの世界を救います) [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin