Genderbend YJ

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(U could see this as Traught, a tiny bit of Chalant and girl!birdflash bromance)

Robyn sat at the edge of her bed. Willow tied her hair into a messy bun and laid down next to her.

"Apollo is the most annoying human on the world." Dixie growled, flipping through a teen magazine. Willow snorted and stretched her arms.

"Finally. Some one agrees, what did he do this time?" The red head asked flopping back in her place.

"He taught Mister Martian to flirt. Instead of going to Connie to test out his new skill, he went to me."

Willow chuckled, which turned into a large laughing fit. Dixie pouted and threw a pillow at her friends face.

"It's not funny! And after that Connie wouldn't talk to me!" This made Willow laugh more.

"What's the difference? She never talks to anyone anyways." Dixie nodded.

(In Apollo's room)

Apollo scrolled through his social media. Zatanna (I couldn't think of a male name) stood next to him, practicing his magic.

"I think Robyn hates me now." Zatanna raised an eyebrows at the mention of his tiny crush.

"Why would you say that?"

"I taught M'att how to flirt, I thought he would flirt on Connie. But he did it to Robyn."

"What's your point?"

"So many reasons! First, only I get to flirt I with Robyn. Second, she just let him down easily, while she punches me when I do it. Third, now Connie won't talk to Robyn."

Zatanna snorted and sat down. "Well, when Robyn hates someone. She hates someone. So good luck."

(2 weeks later)

Robyn sat on the couch, listening to Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People. She switched it to Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan, and than to Youth by Daughter.

She felt a tap on her shoulder to see Apollo, whom she forgave for have M'att flirt will her.

"Good thing I brought my library card, cause I'm checkin' you out!"

"I recommend Percy Jackson, pretty good book." With that she left the red faced blond.

Yay! I love genderbend Traught. Btw I recommend those songs, especially Youth.


Feeling: Whelmed

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