New Feelings P2

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When Clark told Dick he was meeting the 'sidekicks' he was surprised. The League had trusted him so easily, it was suspicious. Now they trusted him in the hands of 5 teenagers? This was a lot to take in, especially because Bruce insisted he met the other Bat family members the next day.

He shifted in his position next to Dinah. He kept his Talon costume, refusing to get a new one. His goggles resting on his forehead and his mouth mask laying silently on his neck. Once and a while a hand would touch his shoulder and he would turn to see a League member smiling at him, which he returned a little to forcibly.

"Calm down," They would say, "They are nice people." He had to trust them, if he didn't than who knows where they would leave him. Most likely in a dumpster. 

Another feeling, fear.

Dick knew fear a little to well. He felt it everyday training with Cobb. The man was rude and forceful. He would have to look over his shoulder every two hours because he knew Cobb was watching him. Though he watched everybody.

He also felt fear for somebody else, twice. The first time was when he witnessed another Talon being beaten. They all had to watch, some threw up while doing so- including him. The boy's name was Tyson, nine years old and got there two weeks ago. 

The second time, was when Cobb let him visit his uncle. Uncle Rick was in a coma, still recovering from the fall. The visit was short, because his grandfather thought it was a waste of time to stare at someone who wasn't talking.

He'd have to thank Young Justice for teaching him these new feelings.

Okay, here is the list of the feelings Dick felt in this chapter:

Suspicious: The League had trusted him easily, it was suspicious

Pressured: It was a lot to take in

Nervous: "Calm Down,"

Fear: Dick knew fear a little to well

Sick: Some threw up while doing so- including him


I am definitely continuing this



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