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Mute Robin will be up maybe around 12:00

Summary: Dick was just a spy for Batman and the JLA and YJ, he really works for Joker and Harley or Mama and Papa as he likes to say it, his plan is discovered and h escapes the grasps of Batman and Wally. Dick becomes the best criminal. He is kept at Arkham along with Mama and Papa, JLA and YJ visit. This will have a part two.


Giggling echoed through prison. Guard Abby turned around and sighed.

"Poor kid. Crazy he is. Insane." After a moment of silence, Abby fell to the ground.

"Insane is the right word!"


"Over here, is the normal criminals. Like stealing and breaking into houses. Over there is murderers. Above them, is the villains. The ones you fight, Joker and Harley included."

Wally bounced on the balls of his feet. "So we came here to visit Dick... Right?" Batman stiffened but nodded. The redhead grinned.

"Dick? Oh man, I'm not sure you wanna. Dick knocked out Guard 0657, Abby. He broke out last week, but instead of us capturing him he just came back." The guard said, shivering.

"He just came back? Weird."

"Yeah, it is. But to us, it's more like a sign for what will happen next. The kid always has somethin' up his sleeve."


Wally looked up, Dick's prison room was huge. It was in the middle of the building. It went up in a cilinder, like the big fish circle tank he saw in Finding Dory. But instead of water it was just a bed, toilet, and desk.

"We put ropes in here so he could climb. He gets really annoying when he doesn't." The guard said in a soft voice. Giggles interrupted his conversation with Connor and Megan.

"Steven! I haven't seen you since...the accident." A boy came in they're view, Dick they're guessing. He looks different, his hair was dyed red at the tips and instead of a orange jumpsuit he had a pink tank top with a cupcake on it, blood splattered around it though. He had black leggings and combat boots with spikes on the side.

"Dick?" Wally asked softly. His best friend giggled.

"That's my name! Wear it out if ya want, I don't mind." He winked.




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