(Insert Lovey Dovey title)

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Chalant because it was requested. You know who you are ;)

I haven't been updating that much because I've had a bad case of writers block, but if faded away.

Enjoy this one shot, it's one of my favorites personally. There should be more Birdflash later in this one shot book sooo..

Summary: Dick comes back from a mission, but he was shot. Black Canary gives him pain meds, making him a bit loopy. At the time Zatanna was watching over him, Dick spills some dark and sweet secrets.


Zatanna watched Dick with soft eyes. The boy was playing with her fingers, seeing as he was just given pain meds the boy was acting like a three year old.

"Zee?" She looked up and her heart melted at the sight of Dick's pretty blue eyes. She was one lucky girl, because he told her identity not long ago.

"Yes, Dickie?"

"I have some seeeeecreeeeets!" Dick giggled and stretched out the word playfully. Zatanna couldn't help but laugh too.

"Alright, tell me some." She shifted in her chair so she was in a much comfortable spot.

"Don't tell her I told you, but I'm think Farty likes Waaaallly~" Zatanna laughed as Dick struggled with English.

"I believe that as well! The ones who hate each other always end up together perfectly." Zatanna repeated what her mother told her when she was very young.

"Does that mean Connor and Uncle Clark are in love with each other? I have to tell Lois!" Zatanna giggled, picturing a loopy Robin telling the news reporter about Clark and Connor's 'love'.

"Ooh! Ooh! I always have something verrrry important! Two things actually!" Dick's smile faltered as if his real senses were coming back, but it quickly morphed back into a lopsided grin.

"I really like you! Oh no, I love you!" Zatanna blushed and smiled.

"I love you too, Dick. We discussed that a while ago, remember.. We're dating! Now what is the other thing you were going to tell me?"

Dick's smile completely fell. His eyes became glassy with tears and Zatanna was starting to wonder if Dick was ever loopy.

"My parents anniversary is tomorrow." Zatanna had a confused look on her face.

"Babe, Bruce isn't married to anybody."

"My real parents, Zatanna." The girl was shocked at the change of names. The grinning happy Dick had just quickly changed to a sad depressed one.

"I'm sorry, sweetie."

"Is okay!" Their smiles returned. But Zatanna still was wondering what her boyfriend just told her.


Bruce watched as Zatanna quietly closed the door, the nervous expression on her face was obvious.

"Zatanna?" He looked at her confused. Her hands dropped to her sides, but than moved them to  wipe her eyes.

"He told me somethings."


"He told me about his parents."

Bruce stayed silent after that, he could see Wally move uncomfortably.

"I didn't know."

"You weren't suppose to know."


"Because somethings should be left unsaid, Zatanna."

I'm not much of a chalant shipper, but the couple is still cute. And I'm extremely proud of this one shot. Btw I really like writing Birdflash now XD




P.S. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them! 

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