Take in the ocean

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Dick sighed as he rolled up his khaki pants and buried his toes in the sand. The waves rolled on the soft ground and tickled the tip of his toes. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them.

When he was young, the circus went to Arizona for a performance. Dick and his parents would sit at the beach and would watch the waves. Sometimes Aunt Karla, John and Uncle Rick came.

Uncle Rick.

Bruce had told him news about him exactly one hour ago. His Uncle was going to wake up from his coma, he would be paralyzed from the waist down but he would be out of the hospital. When he told Wally, they hugged for two minutes.

When he heard that Uncle Rick would be moving to Arizona, he walked to the beach and here he is now. Sitting here, moping about life.

Dick turned around when he felt weight on his shoulder. Wally stared at him and sat next to the ebony.  They didn't talk.

Because there was no words that could be spoken.

Talk about depressing? 


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