No Powers AU

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Summary: Everyone goes to Gotham Academy, the Leaguers are teachers. There rival school is Arkham Reve Academy. It's Dick's first day.


Leaves shuffles around the ebony's shoes. Crunching underneath them, the tinier pieces flying far away.

Dick sometimes wished he was a leaf. He could just float away, and watch everyone from above. Not having a problem of any kind, and just watching others solve there's.

His earbud slid out from his right ear. He cursed and bent down, grabbing the earbud. Dick lifted himself up only to see a cute red head boy smiling down at him.

Dick's heart sped faster and he felt a blush coming to his face. The red head seemed oblivious and continued to smile at Dick.

"U-Umm. E-excuse me? I-I kinda need to get t-through," Dick hoped the boy believed that he was only blushing because of how cold it was.

"Oh! Sorry, it's just I saw your face and immediately decided to talk to you!" Dick's red face now looked like a tomato. He was not used to compliments, at his old school people would tend to do the opposite.

"I'm Wally!" Wally smiled and trailed after him, his green eyes were never taken off of the back of Dick's head.

"I'm Richard. But you can call me Dick.." He mumbled, each word softening.

What am I doing? The last time I trusted somebody they dumped fudge on me! But something about Wally made him think he would never do anything like that to him. Or maybe it was because Dick already has a massive crush on the red head. (Birdflash boooooy)

"I gotta go! See ya later cutie!" Dick blushed the millionth time and watched Wally run away, waving frantically.

Dick already loved this school.

Yes, I just made freaking Birdflash, sue me. This will have a part two.

And soo sorry for not updating in a while!



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