I'm horrible at titles XD

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OH MY GOD I'M ALIVE! Sorry I haven't updated, I got writers block and than I started to read other stories to steal their plo-I mean get ideas.


So here is a SECRETLY Blind Dick!AU

Btw, I made this a little extra long to make it up

No one noticed, and no one asked. Of course Alfred and Bruce knew, but no one else. Barbara seemed close to figuring it out. Though he's not sure.

Dick was blind.

I mean, has anyone noticed how inhumanly his bring, bright blue eyes are? It's honestly quite obvious, though Dick played it off well and was able to hide it his whole life since the circus.

He wasn't born blind, it started one night at his family's trailer. The circus's fortune teller was invited over, the lady- Mrs. Sepoon- was a very old lady. She insisted she cook dinner.

 Soup tasted.. Different. He didn't notice anything weird about himself until the next morning.

Dick woke up like any normal person, at 6:00 AM to start training. But he couldn't see.

So he did what any sane four year old would do, scream his parents name.

They came running in just in time to see him bawl his blind blue eyes out. It turns out that Mrs. Sepoon accidentally dropped some weird medicine in his soup, causing him to lose his sight.

Dick never ate soup again.


Nightwing stood by the counter, watching his teammates laughing. His stomach flipped when he thought about what he was going to say. Questions ran through his head, should he just say it? Should he wait?

"I'm blind!" 

Everyone blinked and stared at him. Tim laughed. (He doesn't know, neither did Jason)

"You could've just told us to shut up, you didn't have to yell a lie." Everyone laughed to.

"I'm serious, I'm blind. I have been since I was four." Barbara stared at him.

"I knew it!"

"Knew what?" Artemis asked, slightly shocked. Tim, Wally, Conner, M'gann, Kaldur (yes he is there), and Jaime blinked. All still completely shocked and wordless.

"When we were thirteen, I noticed how late Dick was to see things. Like when Artemis once sat at our table, Dick completely ignored her and kept reading." Artemis nodded, remembering the moment.

"I already knew. We all knew because it was the future." Bart emphaisised on future. Tim growled.

"Who else knew?" He barked mad.

"Bruce and Alfred."

"What about Jason? Huh? Did you tell him." Tim spat venom through every word. He always hated the second Robin.

"Don't you dare bring Jason in this." With that Nightwing left quickly.



Feeling: Proud

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