Girlfriend?! (Tom Hiddleston)

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You have known Tom your whole life. You were childhood friends. You knew him before money or fame. You just knew him as Tom you best friend.

If it was not for Tom you would have never meet your husband. He introduced you to Chris Evans 3 years ago and you fell instantly in love.

He was very supportive of your relationship. He was even in your wedding!

You were always supportive of each other except for when you heard the latest news on you good friend Tom.

Chris was in the living room on his laptop when he saw something shocking.

"No way!" he yelled.

You walked into the living room and looked at his computer.

"What are you.... Are you freaking kidding me!!!!!" you yelled shocked.

You were looking at a picture of Tom and Taylor Swift kissing!!!!!!

"This can't be real! It can't be!" you yelled in denial.

"Sorry honey but looks pretty real to me." Chris stated.

You grabbed your phone and texted Tom.

We need to talk. Come to my house asap! I mean it!

You put your phone back on the table and started to pace angrily. Chris finally got up and hugged you.

"Hey hey hey! Your giving yourself a panic attack! So what if he likes the girl?" Chris said trying to calm you down.

"I will not let my friend become the next number one hit on the pop charts." you said frustrated.

Just when Chris was about to say something the door bell rang.

You looked at Chris and then went to answer the door.

"Go easy on him y/n." Chris said from the kitchen.

You opened the door and was greeted by a smiling Tom.

"Oh don't give me that innocent perfect smile. I can't believe you!" you yelled as he walked in. You closed the door behind him.

"So you've seen the headlines." he said taking a seat in the kitchen.

"Are you kidding me Thomas! Why on earth would you date her! You know her reputation!" you yelled.

Tom laughed, "She is actually a really great girl." he said with a smile.

"That's great, I'm happy for you dude." Chris said giving Tom a cup of lemonade. Tom was about to grab it but you got it first.

"Chris don't encourage him." you said taking a sip of the lemonade.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" Tom asked hurt.

"Tom I'm worried for you. I don't want to see you get hurt." you said sitting next to him. Tom put his hand on top of yours.

"Y/n, I'm a big boy. We are not kids anymore. You don't have to protect me from life." Tom said.

You sighed, Chris came behind you and rubbed your shoulders.

"I know...... but.... but.." you said getting teary eyed.

"Why are you crying?" Tom asked worried. "You are one of my closest friends. You make me so happy. You gave me the most amazing man in the world." you said putting your hand on Chris's

"You have done so much for me... I just want you to be happy." you said with a tear rolling down your face.

Tom wiped the tear away, "Y/n, look at me. I'm happy." he said with a smile.

You looked up at him and smiled, "Well if you are happy then............................ I'm happy."

___________________________As a fandom we should want Tom to be happy. I know we were all pretty shocked to hear about Tom's new relationship. I know I was, but if Taylor makes him happy then as a fandom we should be happy that Tom has found love.

I am happy for you Tom.

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