Proposal (Anton Yelchin)

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You have been dating your college boyfriend for 2 years now. You two had just bought an apartment together a few months ago.

You were in the bathroom getting ready for a dinner date. Anton had told you that he was going to take you to a fancy restaurant, which was odd because you two usually went to fast food places in town.

But you didn't question it, It would be nice to go somewhere nice anyways. You curled your hair and put on the dress that Anton liked.

You picked your phone up off the counter when it vibrated. You smiled when you realized it was a text from Anton, He had sent you the address to the restaurant you two were going to meet at.

You smiled as you went outside and called a cab. One quickly picked you up and you told the man the address.

After a while of riding, you arrived at the restaurant in shock. It was very pretty. There were a lot of pretty bushes and flowers in the front. They even had a private garden!

You walked inside the restaurant and went over to the woman behind the podium.

"Hi, I think my boyfriend has a reservation?" You giggled awkwardly.

"Are you Y/N?" The woman asked nicely and you smiled, "Yes." You nodded your head.

She grinned then started walking, Nodding her head to indicate for you to follow her. You two arrived at a table outside and you smiled when you seen your boyfriend standing with a single rose in his hand.

You walked over to him and he handed you the rose. You smelled the rose and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

"Anton, I am so surprised! What is all this for?" You asked your boyfriend curiously. "Can't I do something nice for my girlfriend every now and then?" He chuckled and pulled out your seat. You grinned as you sat down.

You two had wine and Italian food. You both talked about work and how your days were going. You were eating desert when Anton asked you a question.

"Y/N, Do you want to walk around the garden?" He asked you. You looked up at him confused, but smiled anyways. "Sure." You stood up and so did Anton. You reached over and interlocked your fingers with his as you started to walk.

You both walked down a path and ended up at a dead end filled with a million lit up bushes. "This is beautiful." You said in awe. "Just like you." Anton said as he took your other hand.

You looked up at him lovingly. "Y/N you have always been there for me. You never ask me for anything that I am not willing to give you. You are my support team. When ever I get home from filming long hours you have dinner ready without complaining. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

You looked at him shocked as he got down on one knee.

"Y/N, Will you marry me?" Anton asked as he held out a ring. Tears sprang to your eyes as you nodded.

"Yes, yes, I will marry you!" You smiled widely as he got up to give you a passionate kiss. As you two separated you touched foreheads.

"Let's make this the beginning of our forever." He said with a smile.

-Edited By @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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