Long Distance (Tom Hiddleston)

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You and Tom have been dating for two years now. Yes it was long distance but you both truly cared for one another. Tom would always visit you when he came to America for a film our an award show.

You both met when he was filming The Avengers in LA. He was only there for 3 weeks but that was enough time for you two to fall in love. After Tom left, you both would Skype each other every morning when you would wake up and every night before you went to bed. Despite the time difference.

A few days ago Tom told you that he was coming to visit you. You were so excited to hear that you were going to see your boyfriend. It's been almost a year since you have seen each other face to face.

That is why you were at LAX at 3:00am waiting for his plane to land. The airport was mostly empty. Not many people arrived this early in the morning. You wear wearing a Loki shirt with a pair of jeans.

You started to rub your hands up and down your arms. You did not even think about bringing a jacket. You smiled when you saw Tom's plane pull up to the terminal. You smiled as the security opened the terminal door.

One by one people started to leave the plane. It seemed like everyone was off the plane but Tom. You stood in excitement waiting for your boyfriend.

You smiled when you saw him exit the plane. He saw you and smile. You ran to him and he picked you up into a hug. You kissed him with so much love and he returned that love as well.

You stopped kissing and touched foreheads. "I missed you so much." Tom said. "Same." you said with a smile.

You left the airport hand in hand. You both had so much to talk about. The ride home was filled with stories and laughs. Tom told you that he was only visiting for a week which made you sad, but you both were determined to make the most out of it.

And you did. You two went to Disneyland and spent most of your week there. You and Tom had booked a room at a resort for 5 days. You had a blast! You went to Disneyland the first day and California Adventure the second day. The last three days you just park hopped and saw different shows.

The last two days were bonding days. You did not leave your apartment. You and Tom just sat and cuddled. You watched so many movies. You may have watched the Jungle Book 5 times in a row but you did not mind.

The week went by fast and sadly it was time for Tom to return to London. You sat at the terminal hand in hand. One rule you and Tom had made up was no crying. So you sat with your head on his shoulder hands intertwined.

Tom's plane started to board and you and Tom stood up. You looked up at Tom with teary eyes. "Come on now love, no tears." Tom said wiping a tear off your face.

"We had fun, did we not?" Tom said with a sad smile. "Yeah we had fun but when you are gone....." you said choking on tears. Tom embraced you into a hug. You started to sob into his chest.

"Y/N.....Y/N look at me." Tom said. You looked up at him tears streaming down your face. "I know how you feel. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. When I go back to London it is like I am leaving my other half. Which is you." Tom said lifting your chin up.

"The best part of my days are talking to you online. Hearing your voice seeing you smile. I want that every second of everyday for the rest of my life." Tom said with tears starting to fill his eyes.

He bent down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and reviled a small ring.

"Y/N, Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?" He asked, a smile on his face. You grinned and nodded.

"Yes! Yes, yes ,yes! I will marry you Thomas William Hiddleston!" You shouted before he gave you a kiss. He smiled and slid the ring on your finger.

"Promise that you will never take this off." He laughed. You gave him a kiss and smiled.


-edited by @joeygraceffabiches-

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