Living Together (Anton Yelchin)

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You and your boyfriend stood in the door of your new shared flat. You were both holding hands and standing in comfortable silence. "Well this is it." Anton broke the silence. "Yes it is. Official we are living together now." You said with a wide smile.

"So, um, should I carry you threw the threshold?" Anton asked. You shook your head and giggled. "No dork that's when you get married." You giggled. He nodded his head, understanding.

"Well then let's just walk in together on three." Anton suggested. You nodded and smiled.

"One, two, three."

You both stepped in and sighed.

"We live together now." You looked up at your boyfriend. "Yep." He smiled.

-Later that night-

You were sitting up in bed watching tv waiting for Anton to come to bed. You were wearing one of Anton's t-shirts and some underwear.

Anton walked out of the bathroom wearing just his underwear. He looked at you and giggled.

"That my shirt?" Anton asked, pointing at you. "Yeah, I like to wear your shirts when I sleep so I can smell you on me." You smiled and hugged yourself.

"Well......" He crawled into bed beside you, "Now that we sleep in the same bed you don't need to do that." He pulled you close.

You snuggled up to him. "Yeah, that's true." You said with a smile as you started to drift off to sleep.

-2 weeks later-

You and Anton were sitting on the couch eating Chinese food. You both have been eating out since you moved in together. It was starting to make a huge dent in your pocket.

"Hey Anton," You said as you picked at your Chinese food. "Hm?" He moaned with his mouth full of noodles. "Now that we live together and have a shared income, we should go grocery shopping so we can cook instead of going out each day." You suggested.

"Wow, how responsible of you!" Anton said jokingly. "I'm serious! We are spending almost $100 a week on food! If we have food in the fridge we can cook and save money." You said, Being serious.

"Okay, We can go grocery shopping tomorrow." Anton smiled.

-Next day-

You were pushing the cart while Anton held the list. "Okay babe, we have two hundred dollars for groceries. The food that we get today should last us two weeks." You said to your boyfriend.

So you both went down each isle, grabbing things off the shelfs as you past them. By the time you were done, the basket was filled with nothing but junk food. Which was normal for two 22 year olds.

"Okay, I think we need to delete some things." Anton said picking up a box of fruit roll ups. "You think!" You giggled. You two deleted all the things you did not need and replaced them with things you did need.

Once you got home you put away all the groceries. "That was kinda fun." Anton said as he looked at the fridge full of food. "How?" You asked him, confused. "Cause I felt like we were adults. Like we were a old married couple." He came up behind you and hugged you.

You sighed happily. "Yeah, that was nice." You hugged him back.

-Later that week-

Anton was working on a new movie so he said that he would be coming home later from now on. It was eight pm and Anton still wasn't home.

You picked up your cell phone and called him. The phone rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello." You heard him say, tiredly. "Hey babe, are you almost done?" You asked him. "Sadly, no. I may not be home till ten. Don't wait up for me okay?" He insisted. "Okay." you sighed before he hung up.

You thought about what you were going to do. You smiled and walked into the kitchen to start cooking dinner. Once you were done you placed the food on the table and put a lid on it.

You sat down in your seat and waited.

-2 hours later-

Anton opened the door and saw you fast asleep at the table. He walked over and looked under the lids and smiled when the smell of food hit his nose.

He walked over to you and picked you up bridal style. He carried you to your shared bedroom and laid you in bed. He took his shoes off and climbed in with you.

He held you close and your eyes fluttered open. You looked up at your boyfriend sleepily.

"How was dinner?" You asked him, hardly awake. He looked down at you and smiled. "It was great. Go back to sleep." He kissed you on top of your head. You nodded and went back to sleep.

Anton sighed happily before drifting into a deep sleep.

-Edited By @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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