Ice Bucket Challenge (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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You were siting in your living room with your laptop. It was a cold night in London so you and your husband, Benedict, were having a night in. You were sipping your earl grey tea and watching YouTube. You giggled when you scrolled and saw "Tom Hiddleston Ice Bucket Challenge." You clicked on it and watched the video.

You giggled at how silly your husband's friend looked after he did it. Your laughs could be heard from the kitchen where your husband was. He walked into the living room and looked over your shoulder.

"What in the world is Tom doing?" Ben asked. "The ice bucket challenge." You said with a smile. You both continued to watch the video and at the end he nominated 3 people. One of those people was.............. Benedict Cumberbatch!

You put your hand over your mouth and pointed at him with a smile. He shook his head and walked back into the kitchen.

"Ben you have to do it!" You yelled from the living room. "No. I don't have time." He yelled. You got up and went into the kitchen. "Come on Ben it's for a good cause." You said, making a point.

"Yes that's true." Ben said as he thought about it. "Okay. I'll do it when I find time." He took a sip of his tea.

"Well don't wait to long you only have 24 hours." You smirked and walked back into the living room.

-23 hours later-

You were sitting in the living room with your laptop watching YouTube as you usually do. You smiled watching more ice bucket challenges. Ben has 1 hour left and he has not even attempted to do the ice bucket challenge which was a huge mistake.

"You've been nominated by two other people." You said,not even bothering to look up from your computer. Ben looked up from the script that he was reading in shock.

"Sorry?" He asked stunned. "You've been nominated by two other people." You repeated yourself. "So now I have to do it three times!?" Ben asked stunned.

"Actually more because your 24 hours for Tom's challenge just ended." You pointed at the clock. Ben slid in his arm chair with his hands over his face.

"I told you not to wait." You giggled.

-Edited by @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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